Monday, January 25, 2010

Ready, Willing, and Waiting

Ready, Willing, and Waiting

" ... and uphold me with a willing spirit." Psalm 51:12

Yesterday we talked about revival and the fact that revival often starts in our own hearts. Over the past several months I have shared with you some insights gleaned from Dr. Paul Tripp's book, WHITER THAN SNOW -- Meditations on Psalm 51.

Today's insight is a good follow-up to the topic of revival. Before we pray for the revival of our churches, or far greater, for America, I need to pray that God would revive MY heart ... Dr. Tripps comments are powerful, convicting, but also daring:

I think I can honestly say I am ready, willing, and waiting.

Ready, willing, and waiting to see MY sin as YOU see it.
Ready, willing, and waiting to acknowledge that I am my biggest problem.
Ready, willing, and waiting to run from wrong.
Ready, willing, and waiting to seek YOUR help.
Ready, willing, and waiting for my mind to be clear.
Ready, willing, and waiting for my heart to be clean.
Ready, willing, and waiting to acknowledge what YOU see.
Ready, willing, and waiting to rest in YOUR compassion.
Ready, willing, and waiting to hide in YOUR unfailing love.

I am ready, willing, and waiting to be washed by YOU.
Ready, willing, and waiting to admit that I acted against YOU.
Ready, willing, and waiting to prove that YOU are right and just.
Ready, willing, and waiting to confess MY problem is from birth.
Ready, willing, and waiting to examine within.

I am ready, willing, and waiting to be whiter than snow.
Ready, willing, and waiting to hear joy and gladness.
Ready, willing, and waiting for brokenness to give your way to joy.
Ready, willing, and waiting to have a steadfast heart.
Ready, willing, and waiting to celebrate Your life once more.

I am ready, willing, and waiting to teach others YOUR ways.
Ready, willing, and waiting to help them turn back to YOU.
Ready, willing, and waiting to have YOU save me from me.
Ready, willing, and waiting to sing songs of YOUR righteousness.

I am ready, willing, and waiting to declare YOUR praise.
Ready, willing, and waiting to bring the sacrifice of a broken heart.
Ready, willing, and waiting to see YOUR people prosper.
Ready, willing, and waiting to see YOU worshipped as is YOUR due.

But I am so ready, willing, and waiting to be protected by YOUR love.
Ready, willing, and waiting to be held by YOUR grace.
Ready, willing, and waiting to be hidden in YOUR mercy.
Ready, willing, and waiting to be defended by YOUR power.
Because I know that I won't always be ready, willing, and waiting.

I ask myself the question, and you too ... am I READY? WILLING? WAITING? to answer God's call and to do His will? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

DIGGING DEEPER: Proverbs 25; Exodus 12-13; Matthew 15:21-39

DIG THIS QUOTE: Grace is God’s active favor bestowing the greatest gift upon those who have deserved the greatest punishment. – William Hendricksen

DETERMINED DIGGING: Level 1 -- 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 19

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