Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hoping for a Broken Heart

Hoping for a Broken Heart

"A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." Psalm 51:17

Dr. Paul David Tripp has written a book based on Psalm 51 that I am working through. I shared some other insights from it back in December, but this one gripped my heart this morning. It is one of those writing that grips your heart as we think about the brokenness we need to have concerning our sin:

I am too satisfied with the things I say the things I do the attitudes of the heart that shape my reactions day after day.

I too easily accept quick assessments of my own righteousness in situations where I have been anything but righteous.

I am too skilled at mounting plausible arguments structured to make me feel okay about what I think, what I desire, what I say, what I do.

I am defensive when a loved one makes an attempt to call me out and suggest for a moment that what I have decided, said, or done, is less than godly.

I am too comfortable with the state of things between You and me. Too relaxed with the nature of my love for You. Too able to minimize my need for Your grace.

In the recesses of my private world there is so much wrong that I am able to convince myself is right.

There are attitudes there that should not be. There are words that should not be spoken. There are thoughts that do not agree with Your view of me and mine. There are desires that take me in a different direction than what You have planned for me.

I make decisions based more on what I want than on Your will. So I am hoping for wise eyes that are able to see through the cloud of self-righteousness and see myself as I actually am.

I am praying for wise ears that are able to hear through the background noise of well-used platitudes and hear myself with clarity. And I am longing for a humble spirit that is willing to accept and confess what You reveal as You break through my defenses and show me to me.

I am hoping for a broken heart.

Pretty powerful thoughts this morning. Dr. Tripp concludes this writing with these two questions: Where specifically is God calling you to spiritual unrest and dissatisfaction? How would this dissatisfaction change the way you live? Good questions to ponder today. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

DIGGING DEEPER: Proverbs 19; Genesis 46-48; Matthew 13:1-30

DIG THIS QUOTE: We’re brought into God’s kingdom by grace; we’re sanctified by grace; we receive both temporal and spiritual blessings by grace; we’re motivated to obedience by grace; we’re called to serve and enabled to serve by grace; we receive strength to encounter trials by grace; and we’re glorified by grace. The entire Christian life is lived under the reign of God’s grace. – Jerry Bridges

DETERMINED DIGGING: Joshua 1:8; Psalm 15

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