Thursday, January 07, 2010

2 Verse's ... 1 Carol ... Old Testament Lessons -- Part 3

2 Verse’s…1 Carol…Old Testament Lessons --Part Three

“No more let sins and sorrow grow, nor thorns infest the ground. He comes to make His blessing flow, far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found, far as, far as the curse is found. He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove, the glories of His righteousness, and wonders of His love, and wonders of His love, and wonders, and wonders of His love.” “Joy to the World” Isaac Watts

“A few years ago I had taken the “Old Testament Survey” course at the Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies (KIBS ). For my final exam I had to write an essay based on the last two verse’s of “Joy to the World”. They are not sung very often but they are very significant to the hymn. For the next few Freedom Fighters I am going to share with you what I wrote in that essay. If you have any thoughts or disagreements I would like to hear them.” Here is part three starting with Moses….

Seven plagues, a parted waterway and Ten Commandments later we have ourselves a nation that wanders the wilderness. Moses has got to be one of the greatest leaders that God could have provided. Because he has hands full with a nation that just doesn’t get it. Israel constantly complains that all is unfair. This faith in an unseen deity is unbelievable let alone burdensome in its call for obedience and constant sacrifice. We might as well be back in Egypt. Oh boo hoo!!

But somehow out of all of this, God’s people begin to grasp His sovereignty. And there seems to be a submission to God’s rule. For those who understand any of what Moses has to say they had a choice when they got to the “Deuteronomistic” fork in the road. And Joshua was able to maintain God’s way. But remember this is a fork in the road so here is the other prong of it.

1. Do evil in the eyes of the Lord.
2. Get God angry and be subjected to oppression of foreign nations.
3. Cry out to God because oppression is unfair.
4. God hears the cries and sends a deliverer for the moment.
5. Let the peace die with said deliverer.
6. Return to step one.

In these modern times we seem to fall into the same rut. Godly principles have been dismissed in place of “Judges” and the peace of the people is short lived. God is on duty 24/7 and yet we question Him when an ugly event occurs. How does God rule the nations? He gave us an outline long ago.. Man has a problem with it. The outline puts God on the throne. Man has to be second to the Creator. What?! What of the screams of “I WILL!” No, we can’t go back Egypt and we can’t put the apple back on the tree.

I will wrap this up in my next Freedom Fighter. Thanks for hanging in there. -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a contributor to Freedom Fighter
DIGGING DEEPER: Proverbs 7; Genesis 18-19; Matthew 6:1-18

DIG THIS QUOTE: “Chains of gold can become like chains of iron. And while people envy you while you wear fine jewelry, you can become the prisoner of such finery. Your bondage is no better than the person who is unjustly kept in prison. The only comfort you have is that God, in his wisdom, has allowed this and this is the same comfort that an innocent prisoner has.” “The Seeking Heart” Fenelon
DETERMINED DIGGING: Level 1 -- Deuteronomy 7:9 Level 2 -- Joshua 1:6-9

Check out this week's STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT from George:

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