Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Seeds of an Overcoming Life

The Seeds of an Overcoming Life

The Lord God is my strength, and He has made my feet like hind's feet, and make me walk on my high places. Habakkuk 3:19

Thanks for the input that many of you gave to me regarding the devotional on ABIDING IN CHRIST. Today's devotional is a follow-up devotional from the late Dr. Glynn Evans in his book, DAILY WITH THE KING:

Above all things, I must cultivate "moment by moment" faith. My body lives one moment at a time, and so must my soul, for the same God created both. We are too apt to think of Christ's salvation work as a "once for all" things, something static and fixed; in reality, it is a moment by moment thing as He keeps applying His Calvary work continually in heaven. He intercedes for us unceasingly and will continue in that ministry forever.

A man said in a testimony meeting, "Jesus saves me NOW!" True! Jesus is saving all His followers now, for the the effects of His salvation pour down continually from above on all His people. I am to see the saving power of Jesus Christ at work in me daily, even hourly, and see how the Christ who first cleansed me continues to cleanse, continues to heal, and continues to deliver.

I must not be preoccupied with the past. I should thank God for the lessons learned, the blessings received, and the prayers answered, but I need the same help TODAY. Nor should I be unduly concerned about tomorrow. Jesus said, in effect, "Don't worry about tomorrow because you don't have tomorrow's salvation yet" (Matthew 6:34). Christ's saving power is working for me on today's schedule, not tomorrow's. When tomorrow comes, that power will be there, but not before.

My prayer should not be, "Lord, make my life such and such," but, "Lord, help me NOW with today's problem." If I overcome today, tomorrow will take care of itself. The seeds of an overcoming life are found in today's victories.

Lord, I seek YOU for a present-tense salvation that will meet today's needs. For tomorrow, I will seek You again -- and again -- and again!

Good teaching for us to learn today, my dear brothers. Live in the present tense of your salvation!!! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

DIGGING DEEPER IN GOD'S WORD: Proverbs 31; Malachi; Revelation 22

Great Quote: Joy is not gush: joy is not jolliness. Joy is simply perfect acquiescence in God's will, because the soul delights itself in God himself...rejoice in the will of God, and in nothing else. Bow down your heads and your hearts before God, and let the will, the blessed will of God, be done. Amy Carmichael

DIGGING DEEPER REMINDER: I have a limited number of copies of the English Standard Version (ESV) that I am willing to send you at NO COST (you make a donation for postage) if you are willing to make the commitment. We will include a copy of the DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN -- Daily Proverbs, Old and New Testament to help keep you on track.

I believe that this adventure will be the catalyst to transform our personal lives, our marriages, our churches, and ultimately, our country. Are you willing to join me on the journey? Let me hear from you today. I will be posting resources on our website to help us on the journey. I trust you will join me. Please let me hear from you today.

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