Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home for Christmas

Technical Difficulties ... we are having some issues with the email version of Freedom Fighter and Victory Call. Don't miss your time with us each day. You can check out the daily version on the America's KESWICK website. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are working on resolving the problem. Thanks for your patience.

Home for Christmas

"These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on earth. For people who speak this make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country. that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city ... absent from the body -- and to be at home with the Lord." Hebrews 11:13-16 & 2 Corinthians 5:8

I've told you before that I love the music of Christmas. I love the carols and hymns, but I have to admit I have always been a sucker for the secular Christmas ... please don't send me letters :)

One of the songs that almost always brings me to tears is the song, "I'll Be Home for Christmas." Christmas was one of those special holidays for me while growing up. My Mom and Dad were basically poor people all their lives, but Christmas was a time of celebration and our dining room was always filled with lots of people -- family as well as seniors that might not have a place to go for Christmas.

After we got married, everyone came to our house for Christmas. It was awesome to all be together. But times have changes and our individual families have grown with their own kids and traditions. And one by one, loved ones have gone home to be with the Lord, making Christmas just a wee bit different.

As a Dad with grown kids, it is hard for me to think of Christmas without having all my kids home for the holidays. It is pretty selfish on my part, but it means so much to me to have them all gathered together. Last Christmas was very difficult for us because it was our first Christmas without Lindsay. While we were all together, we were all missing her deeply.

Many of you will be experiencing something similar this Christmas. You've lost a loved one, and this will be the first Christmas without them. I have a good friend in ministry whose wife recently went home to be with the Lord. My heart is very heavy for him and his young kids as they experience this first Christmas without her.

In just the past few days, we have lost three really good friends of America's KESWICK: Jane Eron has been a faithful partner and friend to all of us. She has daily prayed for our ministry and been such an encourager. Last week she went home to be with Jesus at age 81.

Gladys Platt was a special servant of the Lord. She and Al were pioneers in organizing and leading our Hispanic Weekends that have been going on for over 25 years. They were married for 62 years. They served as missionaries in Latin America, and then served as the Directors of CAM International. They have faithfully cared for a special needs daughter, Brenda, for over 50 years. After a long, hard battle with cancer, Gladys entered the presence of Jesus on Saturday night.

Jim Shields has been the Executive Director at Twin Pines camp in the Poconos for years, and has been a major part of the Christian Camps and Conference Association. In his role in CCCA he has mentored hundreds of men and women who serve in camping and conference ministry. He has battled cancer for 5 years, and on Sunday afternoon, he went home to be with Jesus.

These losses are hard for us -- but guess what -- Jane, Gladys and Jim are home for Christmas! They will be celebrating Christmas in a way that we can't even imagine! My sanctified imagination pictures Jesus welcoming them into His house with his big open arms saying, "Welcome home! I've been waiting for you! Come and enjoy Christmas with me!"

Brothers, that is our hope! One day we will be celebrating the real Christmas -- Christmas with Jesus. But until then -- make your Christmas one that is Christ-centered. Enjoy your families and loved ones as you celebrate Him -- the reason for the season. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for US; Proverbs 23; Nahum; Revelation 14

Great Quote: We have a God who delights in impossibilities. Andrew Murray

I am really excited about inviting you to join us on an a adventure in 2010 that I believe can turn your world upside down. Our theme for 2012 is DIGGING DEEPER INTO GOD'S WORD -- Exploring the Promises of God.

This year I want to encourage our friends and partners in joining me each day reading God's WORD. We are preparing a number of practical resources to help you on the journey, and they will all be available on our website.

To get you started, here is a link to our brand new DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN. The guide gives you a chapter in Proverbs, as well as an Old and New Testament reading for each day of the year. Reading them daily will take you through the entire Bible in a year. Will you join me?
Now here is the link:

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