Thursday, December 10, 2009

Guard Your Heart (Part 3)

Guard Your Heart (Part 3)

Yesterday I gave you an entire chapter from Proverbs 7. One of the things that you will observe as you get more familiar with the book, is that Proverbs builds chapter by chapter. Solomon lays the foundation in chapter 1 and each chapter builds on each other.

To really understand the warnings of chapter 7, you need to go back to chapter 4. Proverbs 4:23-27 are the key to understanding chapter 7:

Keep vigilant watch over YOUR heart; that's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter; white lies, and gossip. KEEP YOUR EYES STRAIGHT AHEAD; ignore ALL sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither to the right nor left; leave evil in the dust.

I am not telling you anything you don't already know, men. We are bombarded with things attracting our eyes. It's everywhere: billboards, magazines, newspapers, Internet, TV. When was the last time you saw an ad, any ad in any media form, where the woman being advertised was just downright ugly? Now that is not a slam against women -- but the slick producers know exactly where and how to hook us and suck is in!

Try walking down the boardwalk, and I don't recommend it -- or even walk down the mall -- you will be amazed (not really) at how quickly and easily it is for your eyes to wander because the temptations are EVERYWHERE -- unless you are blind or dead!

That is why I believe Solomon begins to lay the foundation in Chapter 4 to guard you heart. We guard our hearts several ways:

1. We immerse our minds and hearts in Scripture (wisdom and insight).

2. When we immerse our minds and hearts in Scripture, we are developing "fear of the Lord," which Solomon tells us in chapter one is the beginning of wisdom.

3. We don't talk about those things that will cause us to stumble. We find ourselves saying, "Well talking about it is a guy thing." Solomon calls it careless banter.

4. We learn that we need to keep our eyes straight ahead. I love how THE MESSAGE describes it -- "Ignore all the sideshow distractions!" When I read this verse, my mind immediately fast-forwarded to Hebrews 12:1-2 -- "Keep your eyes on Jesus ..." The runner in the race needs to keep his eyes on the finish line and ignore all the peripheral stuff that may cause him to not finish well.

5. Leave evil in the dust! Run! Flee! Get out of there. And that goes for our minds as well! Sometimes we entertain thoughts in our minds -- the place where no one sees but us -- and GOD!

Are you guarding your heart today? We are in this together, guys! Did you read your chapter in Proverbs today? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for US: Proverbs 10; Hosea 1-4; Revelation 1

Great Quote: The only serious mistake we can make .... is the mistake that Psalm 121 prevents: the mistake of supposing that God's interest in us waxes and wanes in response to our spiritual temperature. -- Eugene H. Peterson

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