Monday, November 16, 2009



"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." Psalm 51:17

This is a powerful reading from Dr. Paul David Tripp in his book WHITER THAN SNOW --Meditations on Sin and Mercy (Crossway). I have used so much of this in recent days for my daily Freedom Fighters. I commend, urge, and recommend you purchase this book. It is available from the Keswick On-Line Bookstore:

Perhaps if I give You some of my time.
Perhaps if I give You some of my strength.
Perhaps if I give You some of my thoughts.
Perhaps if I give you some of my success.
Perhaps if I give you some of my relationships.
Surely THOSE sacrifices will bring You delight.
Surely THESE offerings will bring You joy.

I'm quite willing to give a tithe.
I'm quite willing to interrupt my schedule.
I'm quite willing to volunteer to serve.
I'm quite willing to do my part.

But I get a sense that You're not satisfied with a PIECE of me.
I get the sense that
momentary giving
momentary service
momentary sacrifice
momentary turning
of my heart to You will not satisfy You.

But I must admit -- admit that I am afraid of what YOU require.
I'm afraid of a broken spirit.
I'm afraid of a contrite heart.
I'm afraid to be crushed by YOUR grace.

So I try to distract You with MY service
distract You with MY time
distract You with MY money.

Deep inside I KNOW what YOU want.
Deep inside I'm sure of what YOU require.
I'm afraid because I want to hold onto MY heart.
I want to give it to Other things.
I want to pursue OTHER pleasures outside of You.

I'm afraid to give You what would satisfy YOU.
I'm afraid of a broken heart.

So I regularly offend YOU with empty offerings
and vacuous praise,
Hoping to my own destruction that you'll be satisfied.

Wow! If we are REALLY honest with ourselves, isn't that where we are MOST days, my brothers. Allow the message of this reading to penetrate deep into our souls today. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for US: Proverbs 16; Ezekiel 3-4; Hebrews 11:20-40

Great Quote: In the Church of God two opposite dangers are to be recognized and avoided; they are a cold heart and a hot head. A. W. Tozer

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