Sunday, November 29, 2009

God is Everything, Everything, Everything

God is Everything ... Everything ... Everything

"Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power ... When has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all and in all." 1 Corinthians 15:24, 28

Today is the Lord's day and I want to remind you that you are worshipping HIM today! Today's reading from How Great Thou Art -- A Daily Devotional published by Multnomah, helps to put this in perspective:

After Arthur Toscanini finished conducting a brilliant performance of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, the audience rose to its feet and applauded, shouting its delight. But Toscanini waved his arms violently for it all to stop. He turned to the orchestra and shouted hoarsely, "I am nothing!" Then he shouted, "Beethoven is everything, everything, everything!"

Christian worship may say, "God is everything, everything, everything." What we do on Sunday mornings (or whenever we gather), the order of events and the manner in which we enact the drama, must always point to God, must reinforce again and again that God has taken the initiative and called us together, that God's grace is more important than our sin, that God's will is more important that our desires, and that God's glorification is more important than our edification.

All worship ought to be ordered TOWARD God; services should be put together in such a way that keeps our attention centered on God. As we look up to the One seated on the throne, we lose sight of everything else; the Holy God commands and consumes our attention. What we really need when we show up for worship is for our attention to be turned toward the glory of God. Only in turning toward the Light can we do the dance, and only in this joyous but reverent dance before the Holy One will our deepest needs be met, for only then will we enter our full humanity as sons and daughters of God. -- Donald McCullough

This morning as you gather together with the people of God, remember: God is everything! Everything! Everything! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for US: Proverbs 29; Ezekiel 35-36; 2 Peter 1

Great Quote: “The more willing you are to own up to your sin, the more willing God is to forgive you. When you come clean, God will clean your record. If you are willing to use your lips for confession, you will find your Father willing to use His lips to kiss you". Paraphrased, Charles Spurgeon

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