Friday, November 27, 2009

Fault ... Double Fault

Fault…Double Fault

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2 (KJV)

I cannot get my hands around the little ball that science says was the beginning of the “Big Bang Theory”. I cannot believe that if we were to take what is being called the expanding universe and ran it backward, like a movie, we would get back to the beginning that is the little ball. Sorry I cannot absorb this thought process as gospel and I have a feeling that I never will. I have my own experiment that I would like to share with you.

Take a tennis ball in your hand and bring it to your face as close as you can without going cross-eyed. Now the average tennis ball measures something like 2 ¾ “ in diameter and it is green, fuzzy with a seam that resembles the stitching of a baseball. Now take this tennis ball and throw it across the room. Use your eye to measure the diameter now. My measurement was about three quarters of an inch. So if I were to zoom in on their little ball I believe it would get bigger the closer I got to it. After all observation is one thing that you have to do to prove something in science. This is why I think there is a fault with the “Big Bang Theory”.

Canopy Ministries recently had a seminar near me and I attended. I am also in a men’s Bible study where we are using Lee Strobel’s “A Case for a Creator” small group material. Needless to say I have been knee deep “In the beginning.” And I am becoming reinforced in the notion that, as James Gardener of Canopy Ministries put it, there is a “creative designer” of the universe. Now if man, with his idea of an intelligent designer, were to have created man, out of a puddle of goo, we could go to something like a NAPA Auto Parts store and get what we needed to repair what “breaks” in us. But there is no such thing…double fault.

This is just me speaking but I believe in a universe that is always in motion. Things in it are always moving and changing. How it got there (outside of God speaking it into existence) I do not know but I will tell you this, if what I have read in the book of Job sheds any light on questioning God about His creation I would rather argue with Darwin and his monkeys. To me God’s Word is just like His universe. It is always moving and changing, a living Word that is meant to break us so it can change us. To help us “evolve” in God’s creation, if you will. I believe I was created in His image to reflect Him and not to mosh around in a puddle of goo like a monkey.

The Thanksgiving turkey is history and the Christmas lights are going up. Soon there will be someone out there repeating the world’s doubt on the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. They will use some fabricated idea that this too was impossible. They will agree with the Magi who saw a star but that will be as far as they “choose” to go. They will want us to put our faith in stuff being on sale at Wal-mart and not in what truly deserves our faith. This coming season let us choose to put faith back where it belongs and put Christ back into Christmas. -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter

God's WORD for US: Proverbs 27; Ezekiel 30-32; 1 Peter 4

“Any time man attempts to discover how God created, using his natural mind and his present ability to test and verify the processes of nature, he is doomed to failure. The Bible declares that “the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3). The “science” of man is limited to merely what can be observed, as well as by a finite intellect with which man reasons, attempts to theorize, devises various tests, and tries to describe omnipotence!” 5 Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation Henry M. Morris III

Join on tomorrow night for the Keswick Celebration Choir Concert featuring ONE INCREDIBLE MOMENT by Max Lucado and Tom Fettke. 7:00 PM at the Activity Center. Visit the beautiful "Hall of Trees" before the program. We will also be webcasting live at 7:00 PM --

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