Monday, October 05, 2009

God's Loves You

God Loves You ...

"See what an incredible quality of love the Father has given (show, bestowed on) us, that we should (be permitted to) be named and called and counted the children of God!" -- 1 John 3:1 (The Amplified Bible

God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal -- is the second principle from the Experiencing God Bible study written by Dr. Henry Blackaby. For some reason this keeps coming up again and again in my reading and study.

My guess is that there is someone reading Freedom Fighters that needs to hear this plain and simple message: God loves you! One of America's leading theologians was asked what the greatest truth was that he ever heard. His reply was simply this: JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW, FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO!

There could be someone reading today's blog and you are saying, but Bill -- you just don't understand. I've done this _______________ or I have don't that _____________ and there is no way that God could ever love me.

Romans 5:8 declares: BUT GOD COMMENDED HIS LOVE FOR US, IN THAT WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US. Note that He loved us while we were still in our sinful condition.

I just read this prayer written by author, Brennan Manning:

Father, because I am loved
and I love
I don't have to
explain myself to you.
I don't have to
abase myself before you.
You know all about me,
and you call me friend.
You call me your delight,
You call me your beloved.

Because I am loved
and I am love
I need not lie prostrate
on my face before you.
I am free to run
into the circle of your waiting arms,
to enter the fullness of your embrace,
to be held
against your heart,

Because I am loved
and I love
I don't have to worry
about my response or lack of it.
I don't have to struggle
with my desire to understand.
I don't have to wrestle
with my feelings of unworthiness.
All I have to do is
be still,
stay close,
and let you love me
into wholeness.

Father, sometimes
it's the hardest thing
in the world
just to be still,
stay close,
and let you love me.
But because I am loved

and I love,
I try.

Here I am, Father,
Still, for once.
Closer than I've ever been.
Love me, Father.

Wow. I trust that resonates with your heart today. My brother -- God loves you and is pursuing a love relationship with you! Allow that to fill your soul today. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 5; Isaiah 23-25; Philippians 1

Great Quote: One hour of prayer will often yield greater results than many days spent in the company of others. – Andrew Bonar

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: This year’s BINDING UP THE BROKEN-HEARTED: FAMILY AND FRIENDS ADDICTION SEMINAR is shaping up to be our best yet. You won’t want to miss it. October 8, 2009 8:30 AM -3:30 PM at America’s KESWICK. The $25.00 registration fee covers the sessions, materials, continental breakfast, lunch and snacks. Pastors attend free with 5 paid reservations. Every pastor, youth ministry worker, parent of a teen and loved ones of addicted family and friends should attend this seminar. Call today for your reservation 800.453.7942 or 732.350.1187.

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