Monday, October 12, 2009

Another Zinger from Paul

Another Zinger from Paul

"To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people." Titus 3:2

Don't you just love it when the Holy Spirit throws something your way. He is always the perfect gentleman -- never forcing His way on you. He just lays it out there in a way that there can be no confusion or waffling around trying to figure out what He is really trying to say.

That is how I felt this morning reading this verse from Titus. Ouch! Putting this one into practice really shouldn't be that difficult. But it can make a huge difference in our lives if we begin to do so if we allow Christ to live His life through me, and to put this into practice.

Let's take a couple of days and tear this one apart ...

To speak evil of no one. Wow. Paul makes it pretty clear, and leaves no room for misinterpretation: this means NO ONE? Did you ever stop and think how easy it is to gossip? How easy it is to get engaged in conversation with someone about someone else -- and before we know it, we are ripping someone to shreds. How easy it is to share information that can be harmful, and we sometimes couch it in "spiritual terms" -- "Can I share a prayer request about so and so!"

Yesterday was the Lord's day, and my guess is that someone out there is not happy with their pastor or someone else in ministry. My heart breaks for the way people are taking pot shots of their spiritual leaders, and how they are tearing them to shreds when they should be praying for and building them up. These guys need encouragement!

Facebook is an interesting tool. I have found myself getting more and more frustrated how we are using this tool to vent our frustrations, speak ill about friends and family, and even more sadly for Christians, how we are tearing down our President. While I certainly don't agree with most of what our President is doing, should we be speaking evil of him, or participating in discussions that are malicious in such a public forum?

Years ago, my mentor and friend, Pastor Newton Conant, shared four questions to ask about sharing information: 1. Is it true? 2. Is it kind? 3. Is it necessary? 4. Does it bring glory to God? Those four questions may very well be ones to plaster on the forefront of our minds. Tape 'em to your laptop or post them them on your screen saver. These four questions might very well help us to trust and yield in this area of our lives. Think about it! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 12; Isaiah 39-40; Colossians 4

Great Quote: You, too, are called to be an open letter, as Paul puts it, written by Christ's own hand, showing those round about you what things Christ can do. We are to go into the world and so to live our ordinary lives that, all unconsciously to us, those among whom we move will look at us again, and will begin to say, You know I used to doubt if there was much in Christianity save talk. But I have revised my opinion. There's So-and-so (that's you, you understand), that is a man in whom the thing is obviously working out. He used to be so touchy, so opinionative, so mean and shabby in his views, so dully ordinary. Yet now, undoubtedly, the man has won to self-control and a large generous mind, and - yea, I know it's a queer thing to say - but he has won to something more, something that somehow (though he never speaks about those things) makes you remember Jesus Christ! Arthur John (A. J.) Gossip

MEN'S FELLOWSHIP NIGHT begins this Thursday. Come join us as we begin this new season of great food, practical teaching from God's WORD, and great fun and fellowship at the Activity Center. Dinner starts at 6:15 PM. Call today and make your reservation. Why not bring a friend? -- 732-350-1187

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