Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yeah, I Could Use Some Purpose (Part 3)

“Yeah, I Could Use Some Purpose.” Part 3

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:31-32 (NKJV)

“The truth transforms us.” This is how Day 24 in “The Purpose Driven Life” starts off. But I would have added “If we let it”. I like how Matthew Henry puts it when it wrote his commentary on the aforementioned verse. He wrote… ”Christ spoke of spiritual liberty; but carnal hearts feel no other grievances than those that molest the body, and distress their worldly affairs. Talk to them of their liberty and property, tell them of waste committed upon their lands, or damage done to their houses, and they understand you very well; but speak of the bondage of sin, captivity to Satan, and liberty by Christ; tell of wrong done to their precious souls, and the hazard of their eternal welfare, then you bring strange things to their ears.”

Well now comes the tough part, working on the three things (when we are abiding in His Word) that are meant to be day-to-day activities. The first one that Pastor Warren mentions is accept its authority. In many circles I have heard it said we need to use our Bibles as a moral compass. So when we use other unreliable sources for a compass, like the culture of our time, going with tradition, trying to use reason or going off our emotions we are using things that are flawed and can get us into trouble. So let us be reminded, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, [thoroughly] furnished unto all good works.”

The second thing is to assimilate its truth. Get ready to squirm on this one people. We must fill our minds with God’s Word so The Holy Spirit can transform us with the truth. Now there are five things listed here that remind of some other principle I’ve heard of and that is “Lecto Divina”. This list of five “to do’s” are receive, read, research, remember and reflect on God’s Word. Now I hope I am speaking to the choir on this part of the subject matter. So here is my take on Pastor Warrens list…listen to the boring Preacher, anyway. A humble spirit will receive. Read your Bible every day, anyway. Be a good Berean and research the Scripture’s and if need be write your thoughts down and come up with a Freedom Fighter. I spent four solid months at the Colony memorizing Scripture so yes remembering verse’s is a must. But then do take the time to reflect anytime, anywhere, anyway.

The last part is to apply its principles. “Therefore, whosoever hearth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock.” This is straight out of the mouth of the Savior Himself. As this parable goes on I believe Jesus is telling us point blank with what material to build on. This first step is built with obedience and this is a painful step for a few of…well some of…nah, most of us right? We tend to avoid the application step because it is difficult or at times even painful…but it is needful. When we come to Jesus it is because our actions have failed and we need change. That requires getting our faults pointed out, our sin rebuked and changing our center.

Jesus makes a promise to every real disciple that they will know the truth and the truth will set them free. The Jews of Jesus’ time were in the worst kind of bondage. They were in the bondage of legalism, ignorance, sin, error and superstition. They knew not the truth. If we are disciples indeed we will be committed to Jesus and have this characteristic, we will abide in His Word. And remember we are not saved by abiding in His Word, we will abide in His Word because we are saved. That’s Right!! SANTO!! -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent contibutor to Freedom Fighter

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 26; Isaiah 3-4; Galatians 6

Great Quote: “When our life is not only Christ’s but Christ, our life will be a winning life; for He cannot fail. And a winning life is a fruit-bearing life, a saving life. It is, after all, only a small part of life-and a wholly negative part-to overcome; we must also bear fruit in character and in service if Christ is our life.” The Life That Wins Charles G. Trumbull

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