Saturday, August 29, 2009

Written Prayers

Written Prayers

For many years I have been writing our my morning prayers in my journal. I struggled for many years being able to concentrate when I was praying. I found my ADD (self-diagnosed) kicking in -- writing my to-do list, thinking about other things -- and before I knew, I was completely lost in my head.

Fred and Florence Littauer introduced me to the concept of writing down my prayers, and it has been a huge blessing in my life. It has caused me to focus on my prayer time with the Master, and has helped me to process and articulate the things that are on my heart. It helped me to concentrate on Him -- totally!

Men have been writing down prayers for years. One of the things that I have done in recent years is to add books of prayers to my library. Now before you think I am going off the theological deep end, think of all the prayers that have been recorded for us in the Scriptures! Many years ago, devotional commentator and pastor, Herbert Lockyear, wrote "All the Prayers of the Bible."

I received a new book this week written by Steven James. I loved the title "A Heart Exposed -- Talking to God with Nothing to Hide." It is a collection of prayers that he has written in his journal.

I love the concept. It's a little scary. But think about it, brothers: we can pray publicly or privately and use all the right "Christian lingo." The only ONE who really knows our hearts when we pray is God Himself. We can't pull the wool over His eyes. He wants us to open and honest with Him when we pray. After all -- He sees and knows everything!!!

Here is one of the prayers from Steven James book:

"This moment is all that you ask of me. I can either give it to you, or turn it into a fist and try and keep it to myself ... and fail.

Jesus, your prayers were drenched with sweat and blood,
and throbbed with glory and pain.
My prayers are so often soaked in perfume,
decorated with nothing more
than stock phrases and catchy cliches --
carefully varnished pieces of furniture for you to admire.

Unpeel my pretenses, masks and facades,
and stare beneath my whitewashed life.
Shake off the rust,
and the dust,
and the tired repetition.

Here, now, Jesus,
I will break the trend,
I will speak prayers raw with the realities of life,
tender with the realization of grace;
with flesh and blood
born of marvel and pain.

Prayers like yours! (from A Heart Exposed--Talking to God with Nothing to Hide published by our friends at Revell)

I want to be able to pray like that -- praying to God, through the Lord Jesus, with nothing to hide! How about you? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 29; Psalm 129-131; 1 Corinthians 11:1-16

Great Quote: The Christian life is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ lived two thousand years ago, lived now by Him in you! W. Ian Thomas

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