Friday, August 21, 2009

God Took Me At My Word

God Took Me At My Word

"I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me ..." Acts 17:25

Earlier in the week I shared a devotional from STREAMS IN THE DESERT regarding George Mueller and his faith in a God who answers prayer. I wrote that I wanted to have that kind of faith, and God literally took me seriously in teaching me a lesson about HIS ability to answer prayer.

On Tuesday night I was handed a check for the ministry of America's KESWICK. I was blown away that the amount was $6000! About the time that the man handed me the check, a big storm hit our area and we scrambled to our vehicles. He went to his car and I went to my golf cart. The winds were really blowing, lightning was flashing and it was pouring. I was desperately trying to pull the sides of my golf cart down to keep from getting wet.

I didn't know it, but at that point the check blew out of my pocket. Jan, Zach and I were sitting in the living room talking and something Zach said triggered my memory about the check. I stood up to check my pocket -- no check. I checked my work that I had brought home -- no check. I was frantic.

Zach and I went back out on the golf cart with a flashlight, and in the pouring rain, began to retrace my steps. I was really upset and Zach (13) turned and said, "Dad, relax. God knows where the check is. It will be alright." I didn't listen. I dropped Zach off at home and went out again to look again.

We crawled into bed and Jan prayed and asked the Lord to take care of the check, thanking Him that HE knew where it was. She slept! I fretted. I got up early to have my quiet time, and finally was able to thank the Lord that HE knew where the check was. Was I willing to take Him at HIS Word?

After my quiet time I went for one more search. Nothing! About a half hour later, a guest discovered the check on the parking lot, sopping wet, but still very much in tack with no running of the ink. And by the way ... the lady who found the check has vision problems!!!

God was so gracious in protecting that check! And guess what -- when I got home for lunch -- I knew it was coming -- Zach said, "Dad, I told you so! God took care of it!" Don't you love when that happens? Thanks, Lord, for showing me once again, that I can trust YOU for EVERYTHING! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 21; Psalm 107-109; 1 Corinthians 4

Great Quote: A child of God never prays to be made aware of the fact that God answers prayer, because he is so restfully certain that God always answers prayer. -- Oswald Chambers

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