Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Don't Kid Yourself ...

Don’t Kid Yourself …

Here's a Freedom Fighter from 2004. It really helps to flesh out the THINK VICTORY message!!!

“The Christian life is not simply too hard to live in our flesh – IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. It’s time to expose this lie! Christians are backsliding because they have been deceived. We try to overcome sin in our flesh, but the more we attempt to fight the hordes of hell with our strength, the more worried and discouraged we become. When we make up our minds not to all flesh to control our lives, when the Spirit power of Christ flows through us, then we will be delivered from struggles, worries, and fears, and we will go beyond anything we have ever imagined; we will enter into the greatest move of the Holy Spirit the world has ever seen. Flesh, no matter how sincere, can never break the chains of sin’s power.

When we seek to love the Christian life on our own, we are as dry as desert sand. It’s not about our stuff – vocation, education, gifts, power, personality, power, grace, joy, grace and peace. Any believer who thinks that in his strength he can overcome our unprecedented societal pollution, mass media seduction, and plague of demonic temptation is deceived.

We can cry a river of tears, pray with all our heart, and be sincerely in love with Jesus and at the same time be absolutely bound. We can ultimately surrender to a compromised Christianity; believing we can never be free from the power of sin, we resign ourselves to struggle in futility for the rest of our lives, sinning/repenting, sinning/repenting, and never becoming more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

After we surrender to Him, the Savior rises up through the power of the Holy Spirit, and sin is stripped of its power by the Spirit’s breath; only then can we truly know the meaning of victory in Jesus. Attempting to live the Christian of life in our own flesh puts us at peace with our sin.

We must experience, as an act of our will, dying to our pride, boasting, ambition, plans and reputation. Only a Christian dead in the flesh and alive to Jesus can know the joy of being free from the power and dominion sin.”

From GOD-WRESTLING by Mike Evans (Bethany House Publishers)

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 11; Psalms 81-83; Romans 11:19-36

Great Quote: “Religion is, ‘I obey, therefore I’m accepted’. The Gospel is, ‘I’m accepted through what Jesus Christ has done for me, therefore I obey’. Religion gives you control, that’s why its so popular…If I am saved by what I can do, then there’s a limit to what God can ask of me. I still have some control. But if I am saved by sheer grace, then there’s nothing He cannot ask of me”. Tim Keller

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