Sunday, August 02, 2009

Acts 16:31 Revisited

Acts 16:31 Revisited

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved -- you and your household." Acts 16:31 (NIV)

The ripple effect has been amazing. It started out with Bill getting saved during his time in the Colony of Mercy. During his 120-days in the program, one of our disciples had the joy of leading his Mom to the Lord. Months later she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She is now home with the Lord.

The night of his graduation, his Dad and his Dad's girlfriend both trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. That in itself was truly amazing. But there was more to come because of the testimony of Bill's life. Weeks later, he had the joy of leading his two kids in the sinner's prayer.

What an amazing example of how God works in people's lives. A whole family has been rescued from the "kingdom of darkness" to the "kingdom of His dear Son!"

But today, I heard yet another miracle. Last week Bill and his son were on a retreat. Bill and his wife are separated. After returning from the retreat Bill's son was so broken up about his Mom's need for Jesus, all he could do was cry. Towards the end of the week, guess what -- this 11-year old boy led his Mom to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Is it real? Only time will tell -- but what a thrill to see God at work. In fact, HE IS ALWAYS at work around us -- and He invites you and me to join Him in that work. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 2; Psalm 60-62; Romans 5

Great Quote: Integrity is keeping my commitments even if the circumstances when I made those commitments have changed. David Jeremiah

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