Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ups and Downs

Ups and Downs

Singer-songwriter, Mark Lowry, often shares in his concerts that Christ has come to give us abundant live -- UPS and DOWNS -- Mountains and Valleys ...

Fenelon wrote this about ups and downs:

Let the ups and downs of your spiritual life come and go. If you were always down, you would become hardened and discouraged. God gives you seasons when you can catch your breath.

Let me tell you about myself. When I suffer, I can never see an end to my trials. And when relief comes, I am so suspicious that the suffering is not really over that I hesitate to accept my rest. It seems to me that to accept both "good" and "bad" seasons alike is to be truly fruitful. Accept both comfort and correction from the hand of God.

Of course, this is all very easy for me to say to you, but I want you to know that I cringe at the very thought of the cross coming to work in me. I am not tellign you that experiencing the cross will be easy. Outwardly it will be difficult, but inwardly it can be worse -- a time of agony and dryness.

If I sound a bit pessimistic, it is because I am writing to you in the midst of a spiritual dry spell. I don't know what tomorrow brings. God will do what seems good to Him. Sometimes what He wants is hard to accept. Listen to God -- there is true freedom, peace, and joy in Him.

This was pretty timely and meaningful to me. I needed to hear this. How about you? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 29; Psalm 49-50; Romans 1

Great Quote: One who commences prayer should imagine that for the delight of his Lord, he is starting to plant a garden in some very unfruitful soil, full of weeds. His Majesty must be asked to pull up the bad plants, and put good ones in their place. But we will suppose this is already done, when a soul has not only determined, but is resolved to make use of mental prayer. And now, by God's help, we must endeavour, like good gardeners, to make these plants grow. We should take care to water them, so they will not wither, but bring forth flowers of such sweet fragrance as may please our Lord. Then He may take pleasure in often coming into this garden, and delighting Himself with our virtues. Teresa of Avila

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