Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God is Always at Work Around You (Part 6)

God is Always At Work Around You (Part 5)

"The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever He will." Proverbs 21:1 ESV

My kids often get annoyed when we go out to eat, or go shopping, or it even happened in Florida, at Walt Disney World. Invariably, I run into people I know and they want to chit chat.

After our local Wendy's opened, we made the mistake of going there on my day off when our kids from New Hampshire were in. One of our dear saints, came over to the table and stood there the entire time talking nonsense.

Part of the challenges of being in ministry like ours is being high profile. Don't say that boastfully, but it comes with the territory.

So I can relate to a recent article in the July 13th issue of Time magazine where the correspondent is talking about the fact that President and Mrs. Obama have not been able to settle into a church in D.C.

In January the Obama's attended services at 19th Street Baptist Church. Word leaked they were attending and lines started forming three hours before they arrived. Many of the Conservative newscasters have focused in on their not attending church and making a big deal about it ...

What I haven't heard is what Time reported, which to me is another illustration of God at work around us. Former Presidents Bush (G.H. and G.W.) worshiped at a little place call Evergreen at Camp David. The church serves 400 of the military personnel that reside there, and the White House does not get to CHOOSE the pastor.

So guess what -- "Camp David's current chaplain, Lieutenant Carey Cash, leads the services at Evergreen. If the White House had custom-ordered a pastor to be the polar opposite of Jeremiah Wright, it could not have done better than Cash." (The Navy chooses the chaplain for a three year tour!)

Carey is the great-nephew of Johnny Cash, and and graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. And to quote time, "And yes, that mean's Obama's most frequent preacher is a Southern Baptist!"

Is that not cool? It is a great illustration of how God works in ways that we cannot see. Thank You, Lord, that you have hand-picked the pastor for our President and his family. Even though we may not agree with our President's positions, YOU have His ear. In fact, Time says, "Obama has told aides he enjoys the little chapel in the woods, the better to hear what Elijah called, 'the still, small voice of God!'" -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 15; Psalm 13-15; Acts 19:21-41

Great Quote: When a man is not deeply convicted of sin, it is a pretty sure sign that he has not truly repented. Experience has taught me that men who have very slight conviction of sin sooner or later lapse back into their old life. --Dwight L Moody

Don't close this email! Special announcement -- we have some really cool news. If you haven't made your plans to join us this summer, we have some exciting rates for you. Please pick up the phone and call today. Your week at Keswick is more affordable than ever. Don't miss this summer. It could turn your world upside down. 800-453-7942. We have some rooms open next week with Drs. Charles Zimmerman and Ron Schmidt. Check out the website for more details:

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