Monday, July 06, 2009

God is Always at Work Around You (Part 5)

God is Always At Work Around You (Part 6)

"Your people will be volunteers in the day of Your power." Psalm 110:3

God IS always at work around you. I trust that you have been allowing that reality filter through your mind. He loves to show up in the unexpected places ... even in a hot tub.

It was one night on the cruise. Jan was sitting at a table close by the hot tub. I was in the hot tub enjoying the night sky -- 9:00 PM with the sun as bright as it is at 5:00 PM!!!

A lady came into the hot tub and began to ask me all sorts of questions about the cruise. Did I like the ship? What other cruises have I done? She told me she had ADD and I could relate. She shared that she and her husband live in Wisconsin and had several grown kids, most married.

The conversation came around to "So what do you do?" I shared with her about the conference and retreat ministry, and then said, "The heart of our ministry is our addiction recovery program for men!" Bingo!

She immediately started to tell her story -- a 22 year-old son who is addicted to drugs and alcohol. As we chatted she began to see that for years she has been enabling him. I offered to send her some information about the program. Up until that point I did not specifically address what makes our program different. As I was stepping out of the hot tub, she said, "Can I ask about your success rate and fees?" When I told her the success rate her mouth dropped open. When I told her the cost ... she nearly fainted!

I then had the hook! I told her that the real reason for our success was because Jesus Christ is the ONLY answer to addiction. Unless the heart is transformed, a man or woman will continue to wallow in their life-dominating bondages. I told her that I would look for her the next day so I could give her my card.

Well the more I thought about it -- how would I find her in a crowd of 1200 other passengers? I prayed off and on throughout the night that I would somehow find her.

The next day, I was sitting at the pool working on an article I was writing. I spilled my ice tea and jumped up to grab my computer. There was a couple sitting right beside me, and the wife said, "Nice recovery! Now can I have your business card?" She went on to tell me that she told her husband the night before, "What are the odds that I would be in a hot tub with a total stranger and he was the President and CEO of an Addiction Recovery program?" I told her -- not odds -- not coincidence -- but GOD!

I have emailed her the information. I don't know if she will ever call. But I do know this -- God orchestrated that entire event! Who knows, maybe her son will come to the Colony of Mercy. Thank You, Lord for always being at work around us. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 6; Job 32-33; Acts 14

Great Quote: He comes to us as One unknown, without a name, as of old, by the lakeside, He came to those who knew Him not. He speaks to us the same word: "Follow thou me!" and sets us to the tasks which He has to fulfill for our time. He commands, and to those who obey Him, whether they be wise or simple, He will reveal Himself in the toil, the conflicts, the sufferings which they shall pass through in His fellowship, and as an ineffable mystery, they shall learn in their own experience Who He is. Frederick Buechner

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