Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Blessing of a Name

The Blessing of a name ...
"And you shall call his name ..." Luke 1:60
From almost the very beginning names have had significance:
Abraham -- Father of the great multitude

Barnabas -- son of consolataion

Cephas -- a rock or stone

Daniel -- God my Judge

Gabriel -- God is my strength

Nabal -- fool

Nathaniel -- the gift of God

Jabez -- Pain
When our kids were born we were fascinated with the meaning of their names:
Laura means "crowned one"

Joshua means "Jehovah saves"

Julie means "youthful"

Zach means "the Lord has remembered"
Some of you know that last year our kids from New Hampshire lost their little girl, Lindsay on May 16th. (I hate that word "lost" -- we know exactly where she is -- she is sitting at the feet of Jesus!).
The Lord blessed our kids with a brand new little boy in June. They named him after Jonathan's Uncle who recently went hom to be with Jesus several weeks prior to the baby's birth. They name our grandson, "Case."

My wife has all the kids names with their meanings on the wall outside our bedroom. Case is certainly not a common name, so she looked up the meaning. His name means: "Bringer of peace!" His name couldn't be more appropriate. For Laura, Jon and Tanner, this past year was so painful, but God saw fit to bless them with a healthy new son.

For fun, Jan decided to look at STREAMS in the DESERT for June 15th to see what the Scripture for the day was ... Coincidence? "My peace I give you!" John 14:27
Thank You, Lord, for the way you give meaning even to our names. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 18; Psalm 20-22; Acts 21:1-17
Great Quote: Praise is more than singing, it’s the saint reflecting the life of Christ. Anonymous

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