Monday, July 27, 2009

All Came with Itching Ears

“All Came with Itching Ears”

“And all the people gathered as one man into the square before the Water Gate. And they told Ezra the scribe to bring the Book of the Law of Moses that the Lord had commanded Israel. So Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly, both men and women and all who could understand what they heard, on the first day of the seventh month. And he read from it facing the square before the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women and those who could understand. And the ears of the people were attentive to the Book of the Law. ” Nehemiah 8: 1-3 (ESV)

I like hearing God’s word preached. I’ve listened to Pastors who are monotone to the ones that do a stand-up routine. If they are preaching Christ crucified and resurrected they’ll have my ear. At America’s Keswick I’ve heard some Pastors who are famous and some not so famous. I’ve had been to churches to listen to a different Pastor because of a friend’s recommendation. On television there are quite a variety of them to choose from and I like to listen and watch them all and use this as an exercise in apologetics.

I have been listening to John Bevere’s “The Fear of the Lord” series. One of the issue’s he covered was the wanting and hunger of God’s people to hear God’s word. “If you’re hungry you’ll never get tired of chicken!!” was one of his points. He went on to say that those Christians who hunger for God’s word will be in church Sunday night, a Bible study once or twice a week, Wednesday night prayer meetings and Saturday morning men’s/ladies breakfast. I , myself, am guilty of not doing this list in a vigorous way but I will take the time to go in depth in my walk.

Ezra had been in Jerusalem sometime before Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of the city. And although it’s not very clear to me on how long that might have been it is clear to me that Ezra rebuilt the Temple and began to instructed and teach the people who were coming back from exile. By the time Nehemiah finishes the work on the wall the appointed time has come. Ezra is called to the square and he, along with the Levites, open the Book and they begin to read from it. All the people rose up from their sit down position to listen to the Law of Moses and after this had happened there was a great revival. For days they held solemn assemblies with people confessing their sin and offering up sacrifices. The feast of Tabernacles was kept with a great solemnity and enthusiasm, the nation of Israel renewed their national covenant and the walls were dedicated. But I think, and if any of my apologetic brothers would agree, the fear of the Lord came back to the people of Israel.

I have spent almost a solid month listening to Bevere’s “The Fear of the Lord” CD series. I do have several of his CD’s and I have read his book “The Bait of Satan”. There are a few things he goes into that I have raised an eyebrow or two over but when I finish listening to him I begin to wonder about my own “Fear of the Lord.” Am I saying that I am being convicted? I believe that God will use whoever and whatever to convict my heart when something about my heart condition needs to be addressed that’s what I am saying.

So what convicted the people of Nehemiah and Ezra’s time? I think it was a very real separation from God. Do you think being in exile made a nation realize that a healthy fear of the Lord had to be a way of life? I have spent the past few months working long hours and not spending the kind of time I am used to in God’s Word. I think my time in exile has to come to end and I need to get back on that narrow path that keeps me right.

What about you brother/sister? Do you feel like you are in exile? It would be a great thing if you allowed the wide open arms of the Savior to steer you back on the path. As for me and mine we are getting some “rest”!!! -- Chris Hughes is a Colony Grad and a frequent Freedom Fighter Contributor

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 27; Psalm 43-45; Acts 27:27-44

Great Quote -- “Christ leaves no emptiness within you. You will be led to do things which you will find enjoyable, and you will like them better than doing all the things which have led you astray. How happy you will be when you do not possess anything of your own but give yourself completely to your Lord. Bride of Jesus, how beautiful you are when you no longer have anything of your own, but seek only His beauty. You will then be the delight of your Bridegroom, and he will be all your beauty! He will love you without measure. He will put His own life in you.
The Seeking Heart by Fenelon

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