Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Ten Commandments Cowboy Style

Ten Commandments Cowboy Style

Most of our Freedom Fighters are very serious in nature. I couldn't resist sending this one to you today. It isn't really making fun of the Ten Commandments, but I love the forthrightness of this guys perspective as he paraphrased them into "cowboy" lingo. I can almost hear Roy Rogers saying these:

1. Just one God! Period!

2. Honor yer Ma and Pa!

3. No tellin' tales or gossipin!

4. Git yerself to Sabbath meetin'!

5. Put nothin' before God!

6. No foolin' around with another feller's gal!

7. No killin'!

8. Watch yer mouth!

9. Don't take what ain't yers!

10. Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff!

I can hear my Nan saying, "Somethin' about this you don't get? Maybe our country needs to have this posted everywhere! Pretty hard to miss it? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 9; 2 Chronicles 32-33; John 18:19-40

Great Quote: “The most oft repeated command in the Bible is ‘fear not’…’do not be afraid’. Probably because for most us we lack courage. Courage isn’t the absence of fear. In fact, fear might be a constant companion for the rest of your life. But courage is an essential ingredient for those following Jesus. It is a moral value—an operating quality of someone with a radically changed heart. How do we get courage in the midst of all that frightens us—when the Dr. says there isn’t anymore that can be done? When you get a pink slip at work? When your spouse says ‘I found someone new’? When you spend one more night in the lonely dark? You won’t get it by your own will power. But, by faith in the One, Jesus, Who when faced with the most frightening of all experiences, death for our sin, abandonment from the Father, did not run. He stayed and offered up His life for you. When you see his courage and believe his promise, “I will never leave you or abandon you”…you will face your fear with courage. Tom Wood

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