Friday, June 12, 2009

God Meant It For God (Part 2)

God Meant It For God (Part 2)

"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

If you didn't read yesterday's post, you need to go back so that today's makes sense. We experienced the reality of the what I wrote in an amazing way.

We were planning to leave for New Hampshire on Wednesday evening around 7:00 PM. For some reason the Lord led me to have my wife call my daughter to see if she wanted us to come Wednesday night or wait until Thursday. She was concerned about us leaving at 7:30 and driving six hours, so she told us to wait until Thursday morning. Our original plan was to leave at 4:30 AM.

We started out at 3:30 AM and have a pretty uneventful trip until all of a sudden the check engine light came on in our car, and within minutes we were losing power. It was pouring rain and we were in the middle lane with rush hour traffic. We were able to pull over to the right hand shoulder and put on our flashers. Within ten minutes the car was completely dead.

Miracle Number #1 -- Just think ... if we had not been able to pull over, we would have been stuck in the middle lane in rush hour traffic with no hazard lights!

Miracle Number #2 -- Every time we see a Connecticut State Trooper -- he looks big and mean! While we were sitting there waiting for the AAA tow truck, an unmarked car pulled up, and an officer in a "White" shirt came over to the car with the biggest smile and said, "You folks ok? Anything I can do?" He then told us that we were in a safe place to break down and would check back on us later.

Miracle Number #3 -- We had no clue what was wrong with our car or where we were. When the tow truck arrived, the driver said that there was a Chrysler/Dodge dealership ten minutes from where we were pulled over. Our car is a PT Cruiser!!!

Miracle Number #4 -- The dealership was amazing!!! This place had a barbershop, diner, car museum, and incredible customer service men. Bottom line was that the timing belt was the problem. A month ago during a routine check-up on our car, the mechanic told us that we need to think about replacing the timing belt sometime later this summer. He prepared us for the cost of $1500.

Miracle Number #5 -- We could have broken down and been no where near a dealer and had some fly-by-night garage rip us off. The dealer told us he needed to check our warranty and that normally the warranty did not cover this job. We had purchased an extended warranty on the car, and low and behold, apart from our $200 deductible, everything, including a rental car, was fully covered!!!

Needless to say -- we experienced the reality of God's "all things working together for good." As the rep was doing the paperwork, he noticed that there was also a recall on our power steering. He said, "You're here anyway -- we'll take care of it for you!"

We are so thankful for God's protective care and provision. Thank You, Lord. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 12; Ezra 3-5; John 20

Great Quote: Why doesn't our contagious joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude infect others with a longing for Christ? Why are the fire and spirit of Peter and Paul so conspicuously absent from our pallid existence? Perhaps because so few of us have taken the journey of faith across the chasm between knowledge and experience. We prefer to read the map rather than visit the place. The specter of our actual unbelief persuades us that it is not the experience that is real but our explanation of the experience. Our beliefs - which William Blake called "The mind-forged manacle" - distance us from the grip of personal experience. Brennan Manning

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