Monday, June 15, 2009

God is Faithful

God is Faithful

Well you did not receive a Freedom Fighter on Sunday. No, I didn't really forget -- but our Saturday was quite the event.

I shared with you on Friday that we were heading to New Hampshire to await the arrival of our grandbaby. On Saturday morning, our daughter Laura, started with labor and headed into the hospital with her husband, Jon.
At 11:17 AM, our beautiful grandson, Case Will Groen, was born weighing in at 10lbs 2 ozs. He is a fine little lad ... well not really little, and his arrival was special in many ways. Many of you have followed along with our journey with our granddaughter, Lindsay Alice Groen. On May 16th, Lindsay went home to be with Jesus, and yesterday would have been her 3rd birthday.
Case is not a replacement baby -- nobody can replace little Lindsay. However, he is a gift from God to our kids. I believe that God sent him for such a time as this, and I know that our kids see him as an amazing "big" gift from God to them after such a very difficult year.
Yesterday, a number of walked 2 miles for the Children's Hospital of Boston, walk-a-thon, in honor of Lindsay as well as a tribute to the amazing care that she received during her time in the hospital.
I am thankful today for God's faithfulness. We can never thank Him enough for His love, care, comfort, and goodness to our family. Thank You, Lord. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 15; Nehemiah 1-3; Acts 2:1-21
Great Quote: In return for the love which brought the Son of Man down from heaven, in return for the love which led Him to die for us on the cross, we cannot give Him holy lives, for we are not holy; we cannot give Him pure souls, for our souls are not pure; but this one thing we can give, and this is what He asks, hearts that shall never cease from this day forward, till we reach the grave, to strive to be more like Him; to come nearer to Him; to root out from within us the sin that keeps us from Him. To such a battle I call you in His name. Frederick Temple

Case's arrival a day before didn't necessarily take away the hurt and painful memories, but he was a huge reminder that God is faithful. He's n

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