Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Experiencing God

Experiencing God

"Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astonished. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if old." Habakkuk 1:8

A number of years ago, a dear friend, the late Dr. Ruth Ann Breuninger, President of Invest in a Life, handed be a copy of a workbook written by Drs. Henry Blackaby and Claude King. The book study? EXPERIENCING GOD.

I have worked through the book several times now and would highly encourage my Freedom Fighter brothers to purchase the workbook and do the study. WARNING: IT COULD TURN YOUR WORLD UPSIDE DOWN.

I have been reading through the Old Testament again this year and have been amazed at the record of the godly men that have had an encounter with the living God. Their lives were turned upside down, inside out -- and they were never the same.

Moses was one of those characters that jumped off the page this year. Here was a guy that had the privilege of getting to know God on a really intimate basis. While he never saw the face of God, he was able to experience a side of God that we can only dream about.

What was it like for him to go on top of the mountain and have a one-on-one encounter with God? It was so intense that when he came out from the presence of the Lord, he had to put a veil over his face because his face shone with the glory of the Lord.

Paul reminds us that unlike Moses, we have the amazing of beholding the glory of God without a veil: "And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory glory of the Lord, are being transformed (a continuous process) in the same image from one degree of glory to another." 2 Corinthians 3:18

When Moses walked out from the Tent of Meeting, the people knew because of the veil that he had had an encounter with the living God. Today, because the veil of the temple has been torn down, we, by faith, through the Lord Jesus, have access into His very presence. Whenever we are in the presence of God, we are undone (Isaiah 6) and a transformation work takes place in our hearts.

I asked myself this question: If I am in the presence of the Lord, am I experiencing Him in such a way that when I come away from that precious time, does my very life radiate the glory of God to those around me? What would happen this Sunday if you and I experienced His glory in such a way, that upon leaving our church service, we'd be glowing and radiating that just walking into our favorite restaurant, they'd be whispering all around the room, "What's up with him? He's glowing! There's something really different about him!"

God wants you to experience Him, my friend. For the next several days, I want to share with you the SEVEN REALITIES of EXPERIENCING GOD that Dr. Blackaby shares in his book. My prayer for you is that you will experience God in such a way, that your life will be turned upside down and inside out for His glory. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 17; Nehemiah 7-9; Acts 3

Great Quote: Don’t slack off seeking, striving, and praying for the very same things that we exhort unconverted people to strive for, and a degree of which you have had in conversion. Thus pray that your eyes may be opened, that you may receive sight, that you may know your self and be brought to God’s feet, and that you may see the glory of God and Christ, may be raised from the dead, and have the love of Christ shed abroad in your heart. Those that have most of these things still need to pray for them; for there so much blindness and hardness and pride and death remaining that they still need to have that work of God upon them, further to enlighten and enliven them. This will be a further bringing out of darkness into God’s marvelous light, and a kind of new conversion…” Jonathan Edwards, Advice to Young Converts.

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