Monday, May 25, 2009

Hot Potato Questions

Happy Memorial Day. Join us at 9:30 AM for our Memorial Day Celebration. Visit our


“The LORD said unto my Lord, sit Thou on my right hand until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool.” (Psalm 110:1)

A hot potato question is one that is meant to put a person on the horns of a dilemma. That was exactly what the religious leaders were trying to do with Jesus as He was nearing the completion of His earthly ministry. Matthew 22 relates that three different groups of leaders sought to trip Him up with three questions. They figured that whatever He answered would get Him in trouble.

The first question had to do with paying Roman taxes. Jesus responded by saying they should pay Rome what was his due and God what was His due. Then they asked Him a ridiculous question about the resurrection to which He replied that their problem was that they did not know God’s Word or God’s power. Finally they asked Him which was the greatest commandment, to which He replied that all were wrapped up in total love to God and love to fellow mankind.

Then it was Jesus’ turn to throw them a hot potato. He asked them whose son was the Messiah and they answered, the son of David. Then quoting our text to them, He asked them why David referred to the Christ as his LORD, meaning deity. Then Jesus asked them how the Christ could be both David’s son as well as his Lord. The critics were silenced and realized that it was they who were now cornered. The reason they were silenced was because they would have had to acknowledge that Jesus was both David’s offspring and David’s God, thus confirming the deity of Christ.

In Revelation 22:16, Jesus testifies that He is both the root (beginning) and the offspring (descendant) of King David. Thus, He is the God Man. You see, the only answer to life’s hard questions is to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the creator of all things and also the redeemer of mankind. Thus, we need to surrender our lives to Him. The alternative would be to follow the leading of those religious leaders and turn away from Him to their own destruction. Have you acknowledged Him as your Lord, even as David did? May He bless you as you seek to serve Him daily whenever you can. -- Rev. Thomas D. Murray was mentor to many, many men and women through his various ministries. During his retirement years, he frequently ministered at America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 25; 1 Chronicles 25-27; John 9:1-23

Give God your all. He doesn't ask us to give Him only what we would consider perfect. Give Him everything, every scrap, every part of us, everything you've kept hidden on the back shelf of your heart. Give him those things that you judge as not good enough. Hand over those areas of your life that appear to be too broken to be used. God can and will transform the good, the bad, what you deem the ugly. Let Him sift and sort things through. You'll be amazed at what the Master Creator can make out of what you might consider the shambles of your heart. Katherine Walden

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