Saturday, May 30, 2009

Give God Your Best

Give God Your Best

"They received from Moses all the offerings the Israelites had brought to carry out the work of constructing the sanctuary. And the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning." Exodus 36:3 (NIV)

My dear friend, Neil Fichthorn shares the story that a lady called the conference center where he was serving as Director. She was buying a new piano and wanted to donate her old one to the conference center.

Neil went to look at the piano, which in her words, "Is a really good piano ..." Of course if it is good, than why are you replacing it with a brand new one! And of course the piano was not in good shape and need much work and repair. He boldly suggested that God deserves our best, so why not donate the new one!

I don't think he had any clue based on her response that she would even consider doing something like that. But as the story goes, several weeks later, the piano company truck pulled in the driveway, and indeed, she donated the brand new piano!

I was appalled walking into the missionary closet of our church. Most of the clothes were worn and years out of date. Some of the appliances had broken handles and missing parts. When we inquired about the condition of the "stuff," we were told, "Hey, they are missionaries. They should be thankful that people are willing to part with this stuff. This has to be much better than what they'd have on the field."

God gives us HIS very best. Doesn't He deserve the best too? Your church or favorite missionary agency may be in need of things like computers, printers, cameras. Instead of us giving away our old stuff, ever consider giving something that is in really good condition? Think of the way that you could bless the ministry that you cherish and love.

Now that is a HUGE set up for something I would like to ask you to consider. We are in desperate need of some computer upgrades. We get "stuff ..." -- you know ... the stuff that doesn't work anymore and "you can fix it ..." Or "It worked fine for me ..." We want to give God our best service ... maybe you have some computer equipment that is in excellent condition, or maybe you'd even consider donating a newer computer. I realize that this is a bold ask, but as I was praying about our need, the Lord tugged at my heart to share the need with you.

If you would like to help or have questions, please contact Bill Pruitt, our Director of Development 732-350-1187 ext 17) or Brian Bitler, our Director of Marketing and Technology (732-350-1187 ext 29). Thanks for you consideration. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU; Proverbs 30; 2 Chronicles 10-12; John 11:30-57

Great Quote: A providence is shaping our ends; a plan is developing in our lives; a supreme and loving Being is making all things work together for good. In the sequel of our life's story we shall see that there was a meaning and necessity in all the previous incidents, save those which were the result of our own folly and sin, and that even these have been made to contribute to the final result. Trust Him, child of God: He is leading you by a right way to the celestial City of Habitation; and as from the terrace of eternity you review the path by which you came from the morning-land of childhood, you will confess that He hath done all things well.Frederick Brotherton ( F. B. ) Meyer

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