Monday, May 18, 2009

Feelings Follow Actions


My good friend, Pastor Van, sent this to me last night. It is good.

July 3, 1998


Here is my advice to those who are depressed. Repeat the following daily until
you do not need this paper.

1. I will read Ephesians 4 every day in every translation until I
understand it. Especially verse 14.
2. I will question every negative thought I have.
3. I will never question any positive thought at all.
4. I will not use up the present worrying about the future.
5. I will not waist the present regretting the past.
6. I will invest all of my energy using the present to it fullest.
7. I will meet as many new people as is possible today.
8. I will not try to impress anyone at all.
9. I will say, "Yes" only if I mean yes.
10. I will say, "No" only if I mean no.
11. I will trust other people because I know that I can be trusted.
12. I will not assume that I am better than other people.
13. I will not assume that other people are better than I am.
14. I will trust God because He is able to cause all things to work out.
15. I will trust God because there is no other.
16. I will trust God as I trust the instruments in the aircraft.
17. I will believe that each day can be better than the last.
18. I will lie down and sleep because I cannot protect myself, God can!
19. I will not remake any reasonable decision I have made.
20. I will trust God with my life as I trust Him with my soul.

We have lived too long with the bumper sticker, If it feels good do it, instead of Do right no matter how it feels even if it feels wrong. -- Dr. Van is a Christian counselor and friend of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 18, 1 Chronicles 4-6; John 6:1-27

Great Quote: Salt seasons, purifies, preserves. But somebody ought to remind us that salt also irritates. Real living Christianity rubs this world the wrong way. Vance Havner

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