Friday, March 13, 2009

Reverse Phariseeism (Part 3)

Reverse Phariseeism (Part 3)

Here are the last of Dr. Harold Vaughn's observations on determining if you are struggling with "reverse Phariseeism."

21. You believe that all the other attributes of God are eclipsed by His love.

22. You esteem feminism virtues, but become uneasy when masculine traits are exalted.

23. You would be offended if someone said you were just as prejudiced as the Pharisee!

Here is Harold's concluding statement: "Overreaction is never corrective. In fact, overreaction is always destructive because it always creates its own set of problems.

Jesus was full of grace and truth and He warned us to be wary of the leaven of both the Pharisees and the Sadducee's.

Someone said, 'Compassion without conviction equals compromise. Conviction without compassion causes contention. But compassion plus conviction equals communication.' Only through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT can we find godly balance and overflow with GRACE and TRUTH." -- Thanks, Harold for your insights into this timely subject. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 13; Deuteronomy 19-21; Mark 13:21-37

Great Quote: “The mercy of God is that attribute which we, the fallen, sinful race of Adam, stand in greatest need of, and God has been pleased, according to our needs, more gloriously to manifest this attribute than any other. The wonders of divine grace are the greatest of all wonders. The wonders of divine power and wisdom in the making of this great world are marvelous; many wonderful things have happened since the creation of the world, but none like the wonders of grace. "Grace, grace!" is the sound that the gospel rings with, "Grace, grace!" will be that shout which will ring in heaven forever; and perhaps what the angels sung at the birth of Christ, of God's good will towards men, is the highest theme that ever they entered upon.” Jonathan Edwards, Sermon “Glorious Grace”.

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