Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reverse Phariseeism Part 1

Reverse Phariseeism Part 1

Now maybe you were pleased with yourself after reading through the lists provided the past several days to help determine if you might BE a Pharisee. But those of us who overreact to "Phariseeism" also need to take a look. Harold Vaughn gives some insight into this area:

You may be guilty of REVERSE PHARISEEISM if ...

1. You think anyone with higher standards than you is a "legalist."

2. You have stretched the "narrow gate" that leads to salvation to the point it is no longer "narrow."

3. You believe those who hold non-negotiable convictions are all Pharisees.

4. You have more question marks than exclamation points when it comes to the authority of God's Word.

5. You believe what's "right for you" is true for you and ... What's "right for me" is true for me.

6. There is hardly anything so theologically or ethically bizarre that it would offend your sensibilities.

7. Foundational truths are debatable.

8. You understand how people could feel that referring to God as "Father" expresses a bent toward sexism.

9. You discount the Genesis account of creation because it is inconsistent with science.

10. You believe the criterion of "truth" is sincerity instead of the revealed Word of God.

Hmmmm -- something to think about? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK


Thanks for your input yesterday regarding Freedom Fighters. We have a new tool available -- a business card size full color invitation to join the Freedom Fighter family. It's a great way to introduce your friends to this ministry. If you like some, please respond to this email.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 11; Deuteronomy 13-15; Mark 12:28-44

Great Quote: People talk about the curse of sin, but they do not understand that the whole nature has been infected by sin, and that the curse is one verything. My intellect, has that been defiled by sin? Terribly, and the curse of sin is on it, and therefore my intellect must go down into the death. Ah, I believe that the Church of Christ suffers more today from trusting in intellect, in sagacity, in culture, and in mental refinement, than from almost anything else. The Spirit of the world comes in, and men seek by their wisdom, and by their knowledge, to help the Gospel, and they rob it of its crucifixion mark. Christ directed Paul to go and preach the Gospel of the cross, but to do it not with wisdom of words. The curse of sin is on all that is of nature. Andrew Murray

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