Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To Sleep or Not to Sleep

To Sleep or Not to Sleep

" ... when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet." Proverbs 3:24

I just completed reading a powerful book by Dr. Archibald Hart called "THRILLED TO DEATH?" I had it sitting in my "to read" pile, but what pushed it to the front of the pile was listening to an interview on Saturday's Focus on the Family broadcast.

Dr. Hart was being interviewed about the way technology is impacting our society, and alarmingly, how our overload of technology is impacting our kids in a negative way. I will share some insights throughout the next couple of days, but one of the things I re-learned is that we need to value sleep.

Some of us Type A personalities have prided ourselves into believing that we don't need as much sleep as others. Guess what? The medical world has debunked that myth. Listen to just a few if the benefits of sleep as presented in Dr. Hart's book:

1. Why do we sleep? Because the brain, like the rest of the body, needs rest.
2. When we don't get enough sleep, our body will force us to make up for it!
3. Sleep helps the brain to fix new memories and replenish energy.
4. Sleep helps to consolidate new memories.
5. The more sleep we get, the faster we can perform many mental tasks.
6. Sleep helps us retain new memories (learn new things).
7. Sleep helps the brain make new connections.
8. Dream sleep is the defragmentation program of the brain.
9. Sleep helps the growth of new brain cells.
10. Good sleep helps us to undo the effects of stress.

Ever notice that some people can sleep anywhere, anytime, and enjoy a fitful sleep. Others of us are thankful for two solid hours of sleep, and then little catnaps throughout the night.

There are many reasons why we don't sleep fitfully. Sleep apnea is one of the major causes of sleepless/restless nights. Too much caffeine after 3:00 PM will impact our ability to sleep. For some, we are so addicted to adrenaline (stress) that our body just can't unwind.

Another sleep robber is worry and fear. It will keep you awake for hours if you allow it to stay at the forefront of your mind.

Is there unconfessed sin in your life that is causing you to be restless? Are you harboring bitterness, resentment or a spirit of unforgiveness?

If you are not sleeping fitfully, you might want to ask the Holy Spirit to show you what it is in your life that might be causing you to sleep well. While there are many physical reasons why a fitful night sleep may be eluding you, it could very well be that there is some area of your life that needs some spiritual attention. You just might have "Spiritual Sleep Apnea." Why not talk to the great Physician about it. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 24; Numbers 7-8; Mark 4:21-41

Great Quote: "It is possible to have a saved soul and a lost life." In other words, it is possible to be saved and forgiven of one's sin but to waste one's life by not serving the Lord. Alan Redpath

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