Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Fourth Sunday of Advent (John 1:6-13)

Today is the last Sunday before Christmas. It is a time of anticipation and joy. Many of us will be in churches tomorrow where the fourth candle of the Advent wreath will be lit. It’s the “candle of peace,” and reminds us that Jesus came to bring us peace—abiding and lasting peace. John reminds us that Jesus came to bring us that peace, but we can’t know it unless we receive it by faith in Jesus’ finished work. “But as many as received him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”

Most of you who read Freedom Fighter will have received Jesus Christ as your Savior. Praise God for that! Most of us, though, know people who haven’t received Christ. This closing time of Advent gives us time before Christmas to share with our non-Christian friends the importance of receiving God’s gift of hope, love, joy and peace.

2008 has been a difficult year for many of us who read Freedom Fighter. Some of us have lost loved ones. Others have lost their jobs. Some of us have experienced difficult times. That’s why Jesus coming to bring peace is so important. Receiving that peace isn’t just about salvation; it’s about life in all its facets. Some of us may need to receive Jesus’ love and peace in different ways this Christmas season. Part of what makes Advent so special is that opportunity to receive, again, all that God brought to us in Jesus.

We all need hope. We all need love. We all need joy. We all need peace. We receive all of that in Jesus. It begins with receiving Him as Savior. It continues as we receive His work in our lives day after day. Where do you need to receive hope, love, joy and peace in your life this Advent season? That’s just where God’s Spirit wants to bring Jesus’ work to you! -- Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 21; Micah 4-5; Revelation 12

Great Quote: It comes every year and will go on forever. And along with Christmas
belong the keepsakes and the customs. Those humble, everyday things a
mother clings to, and ponders, like Mary in the secret spaces of her heart.

Marjorie Holmes

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