Monday, December 01, 2008

Forty First Day?


This weekend America's KESWICK hosted our annual Single's Weekend and our speaker was Dave Edwards. He shared a powerful message on Friday night and shared something from the Word that I had never heard before. It was such an encouragement, that I thought I would pass in on to you this morning.

He was teaching about the life of Joseph from Genesis 40. At the conclusion of his message he shared that for many of us, life gets stuck in the 40's! Joseph's life was not the easiest, yet God was up to something God. He was molding and shaping Joseph's life for something better -- and life for Joseph turned around in Chapter 41. In God's economy, there is always a 41 after 40.

Think about it: Noah and his family were on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights -- and on the 41st day -- life turned around! Moses and the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 days and on day 41 they entered the promised land. The Philistines taunted and messed with the Israelites for 40 days and on the 41st day, a little shepherd boy slew Goliath.

The Lord Jesus did battle with Satan in the wilderness for 40 days, but on the 41st day He came out of the wilderness victorious! After Jesus came out of the grave, He appeared to His disciples and was seen by many and on the 41st day, He ascended back in heaven where He now sits at His Father's right hand interceding for you and me!

During our Branson trip we heard comedian Yakov Smirnoff use this phrase: "Bet you never thought about it like that before -- you will now!" Well that's how I felt hearing this message. Have you felt like life has been stuck in the 40's of life? Hold on, men -- the 41st day is coming! God's is up to something special in your life. Allow Him to continue the molding, shaping and refining process -- then wait to see what He is going to do in and through you. Remember 41 is coming!!! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 1; Ezekiel 40-41; 2 Peter 3

Think About This: The event of Christ is the only event in human history that promises relocation and centering, meaning and purpose. This promise and its fulfillment evoke passionate and heartfelt praise and thanks, especially for those aware of their own brokenness and the healing which Christ brings into their lives. -- Robert Webber

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