Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jesus, I Heard You Had A Big House


"In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would not have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you." John 14:2 (New International Version)

Yesterday I shared my thoughts of what it must have been like for the Obama's to finally have the "official" tour of their new home for the next four years. President-elect Barak was awe struck as he went into the Oval office for first time.

Can you imagine what it is going to be like his two girls the very first time the get to actually get inside their new home? For weeks they have talked about what it will be like. Most likely they have seen pictures. But what will it be like for them when they get to experience the REAL deal?

I think that is what heaven is going to be like. While we have little information about this place that has been prepared for us by Jesus, but imagine experiencing the real deal? Paul wrote: "No eye has seen, nor has ear heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him ..." (1 Corinthians 2:6 - New International Version)

Bill and Gloria Gaither depicted what heaven might look like through the eyes of a child in their kid's song, JESUS, I HEARD YOU HAD A BIG HOUSE:

Jesus, I heard you had a big house
Where I'd have a room of my own;
And, Jesus, I heard you had a big yard,
Big enough to let a kid roam.
I heard You had clothes in your closet
Just the right size that I wear;
And Jesus, I heard if I'd give You
My heart, you'd let me go there.

Jesus, I heard about mealtimes
When all of Your children come to eat;
I heard You've got a great big table
Where every kid can have a seat.
Jesus, I heard there'd be plenty
Of good things for children to share;
And Jesus, I just want to tell You
I sure would like to go there.

Jesus, I heard that in Your big house
There's plenty of love to go 'round;
I heard there's always singing and laughter To fill the place with happy sounds.
And I've been thinking that a friend who's Plan to give me all that He's got Before I even had met Him - Well, He sure must love me a lot!
Yes, He sure must love me a lot!
(Copyright 1975 by William J. Gaither. International copyright secured. All rights reserved)

I think that is so cool. But the big question is - have YOU given HIM your heart? You need not only an invitation to get into the White House, you need to accept the invitation! Jesus invites you to His House - but it is by invitation only! Have you accepted the invitation by asking Him to be YOUR Savior and Lord? If so, you can only imagine what He has in store for you when you get to HIS HOUSE! - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

If you would like more information about having a personal relationship with God, please respond to this email and ask to receive our free booklet, "Steps to Peace With God."

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 12; Jeremiah 51-52; Hebrews 9

Think about this: No indulgence of passion destroys the spiritual nature so much as respectable selfishness. -- George Macdonald

Check out this week's Stewardship Insight from George. It's a good one:

Have you registered for Men's Fellowship Night? Thursday, November 13, 2008 with Pastor John Helm. Come and enjoy a great evening of plentiful man food, fellowship, inspiring testimonies and a practical challenge from God's WORD. Call today for your reservation and bring a friend: 732-350-1187.

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