Monday, September 22, 2008

Stewardship Introduction

Good morning from Myrtle Beach. Today begins a seven-part series on stewardship. My good friend, Bernie Bostwick will be sharing this thoughts on this timely topic. Thanks, Bernie


This past summer, I had the privilege of vacationing in Jackson Hole WY. The second day there, my future father-in -law blessed me with a gift; a book by Wesley K. Willmer entitled "Revolution in Generosity." Twenty-two authors contributed to this book. Each author comes from a different walk of life and career, but maintaining the same desire to glorify God with the resources He has blessed them with. From the moment I started reading the book, I couldn't put it down.

As a financial planner with Ambassador Advisors, I work with many ministries like America's Keswick, educating and helping their donors and supporters to "Do More" with their assets and showing them the importance of stewardship. I've had the privilege to witness for myself people who have experienced and recognized the generosity of Christ in their own lives and who want to give back all they have for His glory.

My hope and desire over the next several days is to impart some of the ideas I gleaned from this book along with many of the biblical applications it supports. I hope that it also imparts things you may not have known or reinforce for you things you are aware of and are already doing.

The church I attend in Lancaster, PA is having a capital campaign and is using five topics that I think would be good to base this week on.
1. Your legacy - What are you going to do for the kingdom?
2. Your "Bucket List" - What do you want to do before you die?
3. Passing the buck - What does your life stand for? Are you passing the buck to someone else?
4. Chains - What holds you down, what binds you?
5. Giving Back -What part of the pie is God getting?I have found that one of the most difficult subjects to talk about for people within the body of Christ is money and possessions. It is true that many pastors find it difficult to talk to the church body about money issues. I think we need to take a step back and ask ourselves how important money really is in the eyes of God. In his book, "Your Money Counts," by Howard Dayton, points out that God has provided over 2,350 verses dealing with money and possessions and does this for our benefit. He is concerned greatly with how we use His resources and how they impact His kingdom.

The first step in stewardship is to realize that everything in our care is owned by God. The Bible states that "the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters".( Psalm 24:1-2). "For every animal of the forest is mine and the cattle on a thousand hills"' declares the Lord in Psalm 50:10

Willmer points out that "giving in the Western world averages barely 2 percent per household" Although Syracuse University researcher Arthur C. Brooks recently confirmed that " religious people give more to everything", giving among evangelicals (the most generous group) still averages barely 3 to 4 percent per household ." I found this shocking! We have been so blessed not only with material possessions, but also in the generosity and grace of God and His sacrifice of His only son Jesus Christ for us!

My desire for you is that over the next several days you will be encouraged and stimulated to be rich towards God as He has been towards us. As we experience His grace and love and are compelled to give more of ourselves and His resources, may we all one day hear "Well done good and faithful servant," ( Matthew 25:23) - Bernie Bostwick is Vice President of Ambassador Advisors

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 22; Ecclesiastes 10-12; Galatians 1

Great Quote: As Christians, we ought to be using records to reach people with Jesus; instead, we use Jesus to sell records to Christians. -- Pete Stewart

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