Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Passing the Buck -- Part 1

Good morning, men. I trust you are enjoying Bernie's devotionals this week. I have asked Bernie to write a statement about the current situation we are facing as a nation and our economic crisis. I will be posting the article later today on our America's KESWICK website:

Passing the Buck Part 1

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Gal 2:20

What does our life stand for? Are we passing the buck to someone else?

Often I have to check of my life to see if I'm living it for Christ and having Him live in me, or am I living this life for myself and the pleasures of the flesh. When I live for myself, I become more interested in protecting "my stuff," "my future" and "my family" rather then what belongs to God. In essence, I become protective of all of these things because I am afraid of losing them. My life does not stand for Christ at that point and I leave what God has put into my trust to someone else. I'm "passing the buck." To help us, we must constantly be transformed by God's word, so we can continually grow and be sanctified by His grace. When we are sanctified, then we don't only live as children, but grow as adults in faith. This will, in effect, change the way we live and give for Gods glory.

In the book Revolution in Generosity, Former President of the Christian Stewardship Association, Scott Rodin, wrote a chapter entitled, "The Transformation of the Godly Steward: Promise, Problem, and Process." He states, "over the past twenty-six years, I have had the privilege of meeting many generous Christians. Looking back, I recognize one consistent characteristic: they were engaged in the process of personal, spiritual transformation." It is important in the whole of our lives that we are always growing.

In today's Freedom Fighter, I would like to focus on this chapter. What is stewardship? Scott Rodin tells us that, "stewardship is the daily practice of the steward who places into God's service the entirety of his or her life and resources with great joy." He states "for Christians, godly stewardship is our destiny." This means that we are willing to give up everything to God and to do so, we must be transformed by the grace of God in order to understand the rich promise of change that we have in Christ.

It's important to note, as the writer suggests that, "transformation requires relationship. The God who created us is the God who calls us to be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Rom. 12.2). This renewal is possible only in a relationship with our creator God. This transformation is not easy. It runs directly in the face of the world. Scott Rodin says, "the transformation of sinful individuals into godly, Christ- like stewards runs absolutely counter to the prevailing values and forces within North American culture." He quotes Tom Sine who says" at every turn we are being tempted, cajoled, urged, manipulated, and bullied into making decisions that directly conflict with the spirit's transforming work within us."

Our lives are bombarded everyday with the thoughts that we live for ourselves. "The secular humanist's goal is a self-actualized world society in which human growth and the liberation of human intellect create a paradise on earth." He states that "transformation is holistic, requiring our whole being: heart, soul, strength and mind. If the Holy Spirit is the transforming agent, then every miniscule particle of our being will be affected by His work in us."This runs in opposition to the statement made years ago, "The one who dies with the most wins". We live for Christ and building our treasure in heaven and not here on earth.

How blessed we are that God has left us with His Holy Spirit, that we don't live this world alone. We don't have to be left alone to fight the battle alone. Tomorrow we will look deeper into what our responsibility is in the process of transformation. -- Bernie Bostwick is Vice President of Ambassador Advisors

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 24; Song of Solomon 4-5; Galatians 3

Great Quote: Proceed with much prayer, and your way will be made plain. John Wesley

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