Thursday, August 28, 2008

Taste and See That the Lord is Good


"O, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Oh, fear the Lord you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him." Psalm 34:8-9

Each Wednesday night at the Colony Chapel there is a service called TNT -- Text and Testimony. It is one of the most amazing services you will ever attend. This is the time when the men of the Colony of Mercy share what God has been doing in their lives.

At last night's TNT, a young man stood to testify about the victories he has experienced this week. He shared that several weeks ago that he had found a Bible while cleaning that most likely belonged to one of our guests. He turned the Bible in at the front desk, but weeks later it reappeared on a coat rack in our main building.

He fell in love with this Bible and decided to "borrow" it since no one seemed to claim it. At first he didn't see any name in the Bible, just a phone number. Because he is on orientation, he's not allowed to make phone calls, but purposed in his heart that he would call the owner as soon as he was able to make a call.

God was at working his man's life convicting him of issues that needed to be addressed. In fact, Ken was convicted about his need to go and get things right between him and another man of the Colony. In the process, he shared his Bible story with another resident of the program. They were looking at the Bible together and discovered that there was a name in the Bible. The other man started laughing because the Bible belonged to his Uncle who is a friend of the ministry. Now what are the odds of that happening!!!

Last night at TNT, the wife of the owner of the Bible "just happened" to be attending TNT, and as Ken shared his story, he gave the Bible back to her. It was one of those moments where God showed up in a special way. I saw the lady leave the service and I knew in my heart what was happening. Minutes later she came back into the Auditorium and presented Ken with the Bible. Ken experienced in that moment the goodness of our God in a very special way. And so did all of us. Thank You, Lord! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 123-125; Proverbs 28; 1 Corinthians 10:1-18

Great Quote: There will be no "knights in shining armor" in God's kingdom; our armor will have many dings and dents. No, no perfect Hollywood heroes will ride to save the day; just wearied saints to look to God and, in weakness, find Christ's strength. This, indeed, is the essence of God's kingdom: divine greatness manifest in common people. Francis Frangipane

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