Thursday, August 07, 2008

Signs? What Signs?

Signs? What Signs?

Then Jesus said to him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe". John 4:48

When I was a kid growing up around an Italian household some everyday occurrences were taken as a "sign". A fork would fall to the floor and my grandmother would say "Companies coming and they will hungry. I better get something cooking." Well, who could it be? I had some pretty cool aunt's and uncle's at one time so like a puppy dog my ears would perk up and I would start to look out the window. And wait. And wait. Then dinner would be ready and my grandmother would try and have us eat everything in one shot. The only problem with this was the company. Where were they to help us eat all this food? Oh well. More for us I guess?

I also could never understand the meaning of when the right hand would itch. It was taken as a sign that you would be receiving money. Well my hand still itches and I am no Donald Trump. Praise the Lord!!

My point here is that there were signs that had been interrupted to mean something but nothing would happen. But I believed they would happen. Not too long ago I ignored the sign that said 25mph. But when I got pulled over I had to believe that I was travelling well beyond what the sign said. It was a little sign surrounded by branches but I, well, just disobeyed. Oops. Lost some money but earn some points for that. (Just for the record, my wife was not as visibly angry at me as I was at me.)

Now how many of you Brothers reading this are looking for a sign so you can believe? You're in a spot in your life where you have been praying for Jesus to give you a sign or some sort of signal that He acknowledges you. I have been there saying my occasional "foxhole prayer" as well. You know what...the only sign to see is The Cross. And at times I fail to see it...or dare I say...just not look to it. It's not a little sign hidden by branches so what's my excuse. There is none.

As I travel through the everyday I am bombarded by signs. None of them have the depth or the power of The Cross. The Cross does not encourage me to buy something nor does it tell me how fast to go. It does not blink or change its color. It does however give me direction and wisdom. But most importantly it tells me to yield. Just like He yielded. That's the sign. For me. What about you? What does it say to you? -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 72-73; Proverbs 7; Romans 9:1-15

Great Quote: Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. -- Anonymous

PLEASE NOTE: If for some reason you stop receiving Freedom Fighters, please contact us immediately.

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