Friday, July 11, 2008



One of my heroes is Pastor Bob Alderman. He will be speaking this summer at America's KESWICK and you can't miss hearing him. Check out our website for details:

"...we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."
(Romans 8:37)

Here is our case for "surpassing victory." It is a statement of fact that in Christ we are "more than conquerors." We are in fact "hyper-conquerors," we are "pre-eminently victorious," we surpass mere victory and move to the higher ground of the extra.

I like the translation "more than conquerors." It tells me about the "more" aspect of my Savior's nature and the "more" aspect of my Savior's provision. Think of all the ways He has physically illustrated His "more" provision for His people.

In Eden there was one tree that was forbidden. Just one that was not available. Now count the trees that were available. There were "more" - so many MORE.

Have we adequately considered the dry ground upon which Israel crossed the sea? It was the very nature of God not to be satisfied with shallow water or damp dirt. With Him it had to be dry ground. It was all a part of the "more" nature of God. And these illustrations are of the merely physical. How about the spiritual aspect of His "more" nature?

In light of the "more" nature of God I must ask this serious question. Why do I often struggle with understanding and experiencing the conquering Christian life? Should not my difficulty be in understanding the non-conquering life? How can I, in light of the "more" nature of my Lord, accept the non-conquering life as normal and the conquering life as evasive and secretive?

We Christians need not abandon the victory of victorious living. We need not adopt the language or the experiences of the defeated. We are the recipients of the "more" nature of Christ.

Allow a simple illustration of the point. Far too often the modern response to the simple enquiry concerning personal well-being is the meager "I am hanging in there." Or maybe the sedated "I am squeezing by." Or perhaps there is some other colloquialism that speaks of such forfeiture and defeat. As Christians do we think of and long for victory and yet talk and experience defeat?

In Christ "we are more" - so much more. -- Dr. Robert L. Alderman

God's WORD for YOU: Psalms 1-3; Acts 17:1-15

Think About This: Only he who flings himself upward when the pull comes to drag him down, can hope to break the force of temptation. Temptation may be an invitation to hell, but much more is it an opportunity to reach heaven. At the moment of temptation. -- Charles H. Brent

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