Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life's Ultimate Purpose Part 2

Life’s Ultimate Purpose, Part 2

"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Too many of us live life with little purpose. We are relatives aimless and take life as it comes. All of Scripture refuses to allow us that passive kind of life. Rather, God’s Word tells us to pursue excellence and to live as though God’s glory depends upon us.

We thought about 1 Corinthians 10:31 yesterday. “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” We thought about “everything meaning everything.” The reality that we cannot fulfill this instruction on our own means that we need to walk in the Spirit and depend upon his power and ministry. Finally, we thought about how living for the glory of God removes the focus from ourselves and puts it where it belongs . . . on God Himself.

Let me ask you to think about some other implications that flow from this instruction. Choosing to live in obedience to this word from God protects us from aimless desperation. It offers us a reason to get up in the morning and challenges us to do our best at everything we do. It makes even mundane things like eating and drinking an opportunity to give God glory.

Working this word into the fabric of our lives also offers us a great privilege. Living for God’s glory in all we do engages us in the greatest work of the universe. We become part of that great company that proclaims His majesty. Our lives gain eternal perspective when we live for God’s glory and the building up of His kingdom.

Finally, allowing this purpose to set the tone for our lives fulfills us.
Like nothing else we could ever do, doing everything for His glory allows us to complete each day knowing that we have done that for which God designed us.

The thoughts are simple. The purpose is worthwhile. The pursuit of the purpose gives us a reason to live. May God help us do everything, even eating and drinking, for God’s glory! -- Pastor John Strain is senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 7-9; Acts 18

Think About This: Christ's life unfolds, in part, as we learn to appreciate the gifts He has given us. How easy it is to blame others for our unhappiness, but we are only unhappy when something other than Christ has become our life. (For example) The husband or wife who has Christ as their life, comes to their spousal relationship already satisfied. They do not come continually looking to made happy by another person's attention; they bring Christ's life to their spouse. -- Francis Frangipane

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