Thursday, March 13, 2008



Robert Hayes asked me to find this story yesterday and I thought it would worth passing on to you for today's Freedom Fighter. There was no name attached to give credit, so if you have seen it and know who wrote it, kindly let me know.

Empty Egg Story

There is an interesting story of Philip, an eight year old, born a Mongoloid. He was in a Sunday school class with nine other children.
Never quite fitting in, he was accepted only peripherally. It was the Sunday after Easter that the Sunday school teacher decided to give the youngsters a very special assignment. He gave them little eggs. You have seen those little containers in which panty hose comes and it looks like an egg. He gave each youngster an egg and he said to the youngsters, "Go outside on the church ground and find some symbol of new life. When you bring it back, we will mix all of the eggs together and see what we have."

And so they did. Each youngster taking their little containers shaped like an egg and finding something and putting it inside and then waiting to see what would happen. As they came back into the Sunday school class, the Sunday school teacher opened the eggs. In one there was a flower and everyone said, "Oh, wonderful!" In another they opened the egg and there was a butterfly. The children marveled. And in another there was a stone. Someone said, "A stone? What does that mean?

One little boy simply said, "Well, that represents new life to me."

The teacher then opened another and in this one there was nothing. The children began to laugh and said, "Who did that? Someone didn't follow the instructions. There's nothing in this egg!" And the little boy who was born Mongoloid said, "Teacher, teacher, that's my egg! It's empty because the tomb was empty!" The tomb was empty.

Thereafter, only a few months later, little Philip died. At his funeral service his little playmates walked to the altar, each of them placing on the altar a little container shaped like an egg: each one was empty.
The promise of new life. It has already been done.

Today's Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 19 - 21; Mark 13:21-37

Great Quote: Like Joseph storing up grain during the years of plenty to be used during the years of famine that lay ahead, may we store up the truth of God's Word in our hearts as much as possible, so that we are prepared for whatever suffering we are called upon to endure. -- Billy Graham

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