Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Assurance of "THEN" in the "IF-THEN CONCEPT"

The Assurance of "THEN" in the "If-Then Concept"

Part of what we learn in a regular reading of Proverbs is the difference between conditional and unconditional promises and/or teaching. Some things God promises are unconditional. Others are distinctly conditional.

We continue our walk through Proverbs 2:1-20 (I'm expanding the reading from last weekend.) today. Bill Welte didn't choose the name "Freedom Fighter" just because it sounds good. His goal in beginning this daily encouragement was simple: he wanted men like you and me to walk in the freedom that comes from knowing Christ.

Proverbs 2 assures us that freedom is available. That's what the "THEN"
is all about. We must understand, however, that the "THEN" is conditional on the "IF." I suggest to you this morning that the effort involved in pursuing the "IF" more than pays for itself in the promises that come with the "THEN."

IF we live out the "IF's," Solomon assures of that we'll live on Wisdom Way instead of Foolishness Boulevard. We'll understand the "fear of the Lord" and find the "knowledge of God." The Lord will give us "wisdom," that godly ability to live life skillfully. But, it gets better than that.

Take time to read vss. 10-20 of Proverbs 2. The Wisdom Writer begins that section by saying, "When wisdom enters your heart. . . ." You can change that "when" with another "IF." Wisdom, God's wisdom, operative in our lives brings "discretion." Solomon promises that discretion will preserve us or protect us from evil. It will help us see what is good and what isn't good. Discretion empowers us to make good choices. Now, notice the result of verse 10. "IF" wisdom enters our hearts and brings discretion to our lives, we "may walk in the way of goodness and keep to the paths of righteousness."

To really grasp the assurance of "THEN," read the verses between verse 10 and verse 20." IF we live out the "If-Then" concept by hearing, receiving and crying out for God's Word and wisdom, THEN we'll live with the assurance that comes when the fear of the Lord, wisdom and discretion govern our lives.

That's what being a Freedom Fighter is all about! - Pastor John Strain is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist of Tom's River

Today's Scripture Reading - Deuteronomy 4-6; Mark 11:1-18

Great Quote: "There is one thing I have noticed as I have traveled in different countries; I never have known the Spirit of God to work where the Lord's people are divided. Unity is the one thing that we must have for the Holy Spirit to work in our midst." Dwight L. Moody

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