Monday, January 07, 2008



Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)

This Christmas my daughter gave me a GPS system for my car. It is a neat little device that can keep me from losing my way. Apparently, my daughter believes I need some navigation in my life. I have a pretty good sense of direction and I do not tend to get lost often, but I have gotten lost.

As I was programming my new toy to make my way back down to the Pinelands, a trip which I have been making for several years now, I realized that I did not even know the name of the street it was on. I call it route 530, it is really Pinewald Keswick, so after about ten minutes of trying route 530, to no avail, I remembered Pinewald Keswick and sure enough it worked.

Here is what I am really looking to communicate. After putting in the necessary information, the GPS did what it is suppose to do. It mapped out the most direct route for me. I, however, decided to make a stop by my mother's house, in the Bronx, without informing the GPS. While the GPS is telling me to go this way, I am going the other way toward my mother's. Wouldn't you know it, the instrument did not get mad or yell or anything, it just took a deep pause and informed me that it would reroute me, still intending to get me to my destination in the Pinelands, despite my detours. Then today's verse spoke to me. God is our guide and His Holy Spirit is the positioning system that God has left with us to lead us to Himself.

My life has taken many different detours. But God has not wavered in directing me toward Himself. Every time I took a step in the wrong direction, He would not disown me or get frustrated with me, or forget about me. He would just map out the course from where I was to get me to Himself.

My ears have heard His voice saying to me, "...this is the way; walk in it." How about you? Are you following God's positioning system in your heart.

Chaplain Robert Roman (Robert is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and now serves as our Chaplain of Aftercare. He is a trophy of God's grace.
His wife, Sandra, serves at America's KESWICK in Housekeeping, and both are students at the Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies.)

GREAT QUOTE: "You can't expect God's blessing when you hold on to things that God hates." Pastor Jim Cymbala

You've read his weekend Freedom Fighters, now get to hear him live at our Men's Fellowship Night, Thursday, January 10, 2008. Pastor John Strain will be sharing God's Word for our MFN. Come for a great dinner, enjoy the singing, testimony and challenge from the Word, and then head to the Activity Center for fun and fellowship. Dinner is served at 6:15 PM. We ask that you make a reservation in advance. Call today - 732-350-1187.

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