Saturday, December 01, 2007

Today's FF was late due to technical difficulties . . .

Tomorrow begins the Advent season in churches around the world. Many traditions within various denominations make the observance anything from really big to almost unnoticeable. For many in evangelical churches the Advent celebration will include and advent wreath, lighting the advent candles and brief mention of its significance.

Some pastors, like me, will use the season for a series of messages that bring us to Christmas and the celebration of Jesus' birth. Other pastors disdain the tradition and will go on with a regular schedule of services until Christmas Sunday. Since the Advent tradition isn't a specifically biblical observance, each church and pastor can choose what he will or won't do.

Let me suggest, over the next four weekends why I believe we can benefit from the tradition. I believe it can help us grow in our walks with Jesus enjoy the holiday season. Advent can help us remember the blessings of God that are ours through Jesus' coming into our world.
Let's think about it.

You'll remember the Christmas story as recorded in Luke 1. The Angel of the Lord came to speak to a young Jewish girl named Mary. Before the conversation was over, Mary knew that she was going to bring the Messiah into the world and would do so as a virgin. Can you imagine the shock!
In reviewing the story, I see some things in Mary's response that can help us prepare for the Advent season in the same way Mary prepared for His birth.

When Mary was afraid, the Angel told her "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God." He put her at ease and assured her that what was coming was good news for all people. That hasn't changed.
Jesus coming into our world is good news! He comes to free us from bondage and the penalty of sin. His arrival is perhaps the greatest declaration of grace God has ever spoken. Jesus living in our world offers hope instead of despair and light instead of darkness and life instead of death.

Advent reminds us that we live with great trust in God's grace. We don't have to be afraid. The Advent season encourages men pursuing freedom to trust the One who came into our world. We can trust the One who not only came into our world but also came into our lives. Do you remember that day when Jesus came into your life? If it's gotten a little fuzzy in your memory bank, allow the Advent season to remind you that Jesus showed up at your door!

"But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son . .
. ." (Galatians 4:4) You and I trust God for freedom because we know He sent His son to purchase that freedom for us. Remember that this Advent season. (Pastor John Strain, First Baptist Toms River)

Great quote: The spirit of Christmas needs to superseded by the Spirit of Christ. The spirit of Christmas is annual; the Spirit of Christ is eternal. The spirit of Christmas is sentimental; the Spirit of Christ is supernatural. The spirit of Christmas is a human product; the Spirit of Christmas is a divine person. That makes all the difference in the world. Stuart Briscoe

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