Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Prayer of Worship


One of my many collections is copies of prayers of great Christians.
They have become a great teaching tool for me in developing my prayer life that is still a work in progress.

On this day after Christmas, I thought you'd enjoy this Celtic prayer written between A.D. 790 and 820.

"Father, all powerful and ever living God, We do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
You (O Father), with your only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit are God.
You are God, one and immortal;
You are God, incorruptible and unmoving; You are God, invisible and faithful; You are God, wonderful and worthy of praise; You are God, strong and worthy of honor; You are God, most high and magnificent; You are God, living and true.

We believe you,
We bless you,
We adore you,
And we praise your name forever more.

We praise you through Christ who is the salvation of the universe, through Christ who is the life of human beings; through Christ who is the resurrection of the dead.

Through him the angels praise your majesty; the dominions adore; the powers of the heaven of heaven tremble; the virtues and the blessed seraphim celebrate in exultation; so we grant, we pray you, that our voices may be admitted to that chorus, in humble declaration of your glory.

(From THE PATH OF CELTIC PRAYER by Calvin Miller)

Have a great - "the day after Christmas."

Great quote: " ... much of our worship today as exemplified in megachurch 'entertainment evangelism,' has become so 'lite' that Jesus is trivializaed as a congenial host who smiles a lot." - Calvin Miller

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