Wednesday, December 26, 2007

An Early Christmas Present (December 24th)

An Early Christmas Present

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of darkness, the lightness has dawned." Isaiah 9:2

On Saturday we had the blessing of traveling to "The Hood" in New York to attend a production of "Scrooge Revisted" that was presented by the congregation of Manhattan Grace, a daughter church of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Our good friend, Damaris Carbaugh, was the lead actress in the production, playing the part of "Ebony" Scrooge.

Manhattan Grace is located right in the middle of a neighbor surrounded by several high rise apartments that have to house thousands of people.
They meet in a local school and the outreach of this church was refreshing. Because we arrived early, we had dinner at an incredible Spanish restaurant located right in the "neighborhood."

I was so blessed in seeing where Damaris and Rod serve. I was so blessed to think that this high profile Christian artist who has sung around the world, was serving right in the heart of her local neighborhood, doing what she loves to do - sharing the love of Christ with people walking in the darkness.

The hospitality of the church members was unbelievable. The warmth and caring of the people was very refreshing and touching. In fact, the program was supposed to start at 7:00 PM and because of the people needing seats, the Pastor finally got up and asked the people of the church to give up their seats for the guests needing seats. Now when was the last time that happened in the average American church?

The production was every bit as good as any off Broadway show you could see. The music, acting, and staging was very well done. But the most amazing thing was that you could feel the love of Christ from every person involved. When the invitation was given over 60 people came forward. I couldn't help but think of all the people who were finally experiencing THE LIGHT prophesied by Isaiah hundreds of years before the birth of Christ.

The final blessing afterwards was trying to find Damaris. She was back in the counseling room sharing the gospel and making sure people understood the commitment they were making this Christmas.

Thanks Rod and Damaris and Pastor and Mrs. Rodriquez for loving the people of "The Hood" and for modeling for all of us how to love people "who walk in darkness" with the love and light of Christ! Merry Christmas.

Great Quote: Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, Simeon and old Anna, and the Magi all looked upon the babe and he melted their hearts. Jesus was a Savior born, the prince of peace and God with us. Let him melt your heart this Christmas. John Reed

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