Monday, November 12, 2007

A Sobering Thought


"Get up, sanctify the people, and say, 'Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, because thus says the Lord God of Israel: 'There is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you." Joshua 7:13

This morning in my quiet time I was reminded of the sobering thought that my sin not only impacts me, but everyone and everything around me. In the arena of addiction, we say that for every man's addiction impacts at least ten other people in his or her life. We teach that addiction is sin - so if you follow this through to its logical conclusion - just think about the impact of YOUR sin on the lives of others.

Listen to these sobering words from the pen of author, Dr. Henry Blackaby: "Just as the obedience of one Christian can bring blessing to others, the sin of one Christian can bring harm to many others. The children of Israel were rapidly advancing into the Promised Land. They had experienced a miraculous victory over the city of Jericho, and they were continuing toward their next conquest. To their surprise they met decisive defeat as they attempted to capture the small town of Ai.

They sought God's explanation for their failure, and He provided it. He revealed that someone among them had disobeyed His clear command not to keep any possession from Jericho. The disobedience of ONE man and his family had paralyzed an entire nation! Achan thought he could conceal his sin and it would not affect anyone else. God chose to demonstrate the destructive power of one sin to His people. One act of disobedience cost Achan and his family their lives. It caused his countrymen to lose the battle; innocent soldiers were killed. His sin had serious repercussions for others, denying them the blessing, power, and victory of God.

YOUR SIN [AND MINE] will have an impact on others. Choosing to disobey God may cost you your family God's blessing. The power of God may be absent from your church [or ministry] because you are living in disobedience. Your friends may suffer because you are not living righteously. Diligently seek to obey every word from God, for you do not know how your disobedience could affect those around you. Scripture promises that if you will obey the Lord, your life will be a channel of blessing to others." (See Psalm 37:25-26)

Sobering words that we need to hear as we begin this new week.

Something to think about: "No one whose senses have been exercised to know good and evil but must grieve over the sight of zealous souls seeking to be filled with the Spirit while they are yet living in a state of moral carelessness or borderline sin. Such a thing is a moral contradiction. Whoever would be filled and indwelt by the Spirit should first judge his life for ANY hidden iniquities; he should courageously expel from his heart everything which is out of accord with the character of God as revealed by the Holy Scriptures." - A. W. Tozer

Join us this Thursday night, November 15th for our Men's Fellowship Night. Great food and fellowship, worship, a challenge from God's Word and time to play and enjoy each other afterwards in our Activity Center. I will have the privilege of sharing God's Word with you. Dinner is at 6:15 PM. Call today for reservations and information: 732-350-1187.

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