Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Overtaken By Blessing


"And all these things shall come upon you, and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 28:2

I have shared with you in recent days that we have been facing a huge financial challenge. At times, for me, it is very overwhelming. We have been praying for a "big" miracle, and yet, as our CFO reminded us last week, we have seen "little" miracles occurring that are all adding up.

One little (big) for instance is a gift of $5000 we received on Friday from a foundation that we have been trying to get on board with us for two years. The folks who have been working with us in getting grants were discouraged because it seemed every door has been shut. When I saw the envelope in my mail pile on Friday, I assumed it was yet another rejection. Shame on me - it was a notice of a grant of $5000. Praise God for the way He is providing.

Henry Blackaby's devotional for today was timely for me: "When you walk in fellowship with God, you do not have to ask Him to bless you. He WANTS to bless you! Just as you enjoy surprising someone you love with unexpected gifts, God delights in giving you His gifts in times and ways that you might never expect.

God's blessings often come in the midst of your EVERY DAY life - and encouraging telephone call in the middle of a busy morning or a letter you receive at the end of a hard day. A friend may drop by to help when you are overwhelmed, or you may receive unexpected financial help at a time of need. Often, God's blessings do not come in spectacular ways but in the ORDINARY busyness of life. They come just when you need it most.

Blessings come as a result of obedience. When you walk closely with the Lord, blessings will come, regardless of whether you seek them.
Blessings from obedience will also come to those around you - to your children and to your grandchildren. Solomon enjoyed vast wealth during his reign, but God's blessing upon him came largely as a result of his father David's obedience in the previous generation. God promised Abraham that his obedience would bring blessing to all the families of the earth. (Genesis 12:2-3)

Do not take God's gifts for granted. When you receive an unexpected blessing, thank God for His continuing love and be alert to recognize the next time His blessing overtakes you! (from Experiencing God ... The Devotional - Broadman Holman)

Great Quote: In Christ we have...

A love that can never be fathomed,

A life that can never die,

A righteousness that can never be tarnished, A peace that can never be understood, A rest that can never be disturbed, A joy that can never be diminished, A hope that can never be disappointed, A glory that can never be clouded, A light that can never be darkened, A purity that can never be defiled, A beauty that can never be marred, A wisdom that can never be baffled, Resources that can never be exhausted.

Jesus is our all in all! -- Anonymous

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