Monday, November 26, 2007



"But he said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for His strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

For 35+ years I have been involved in some way with church music. I had the wonderful privilege of directing the music programs of three churches in the Philadelphia area as well as directing the summer music program for seven years at Sandy Cove. While I absolutely loved directing choirs and ensembles, I found myself struggling for years with panic attacks, especially during major performances. Only my wife and a few close friends knew what was happening, and there were times that I was ready to dash off the platform because the anxiety was so intense.
One side of me would say, "I can't wait to do this ... and the other side would say ... "Why did you ever say you'd do this."

People who struggle with panic attacks do think they are crazy. It is hard to explain what is going on inside of you. As intense as they were for me, I found myself crying out to God for His help. Amazingly, He always heard my cry. My biggest fear was losing control or passing out - but I never did. He got me through each and every performance. I say HE because there is no other explanation to it other than HIS STRENGTH being made PERFECT in my weakness. Each and every performance for me was absolute dependence on Him to get me through it. Each performance was a faith-building, faith-walking step in trusting Him. And HE was faithful in every instance.

I can't really explain it, but at some point the panic attacks stopped.
I praise the Lord that during my ten+ years at America's KESWICK, I have not had a panic attack. The real test came on Saturday night. It was my privilege to direct the KESWICK CELEBRATION CHOIR comprised of 125 voices in presenting a Christmas cantata, IT TOOK A MIRACLE. I was hoping we would have 400-500 people in attendance for the musical - but God blessed us with over 800 plus the choir.

I was sitting in the back of the room watching all the people coming in and talking to the Lord. The old "feelings" were gone. For a few moments I felt myself feeling cocky - and then I repented of my cockiness and asked God to once again do His thing in my life. I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't "nervous" - wouldn't you be standing up in front of 900 people? Yes, there were butterflies, but gone was the panic and anxiety that I struggled with for so many years. I experienced again the reality of His grace - "His strength was made perfect in my weakness."

He is a God who can be trusted in ALL things. Is there an area of your life that you aren't trusting Him? Then surrender that area to Him today.

Great quote: The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Anonymous

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