Thursday, October 18, 2007

You Have An Audience of One


Ok, I admit that I have a real problem in this area. Some of you won't be surprised. I really have to work at staying focused when I am talking to someone - especially when there is something else going on around me. I have to really work hard at making sure I have eye contact with the person I am speaking with, otherwise it is very easy for me to drift off and to listen in to the conversations around me.

I have prided myself over the years that I am a good multi-tasker. I can listen to music and write and read. But when it comes to listening, and doing it attentively, I am realizing that I have to make a concerted effort to really zero in on the one talking to me.

Yesterday two dear friends came into my office and both of them talk rather loudly and were both jabbering on a high decibels and at a rapid rate. My brain felt like a ping pong ball trying to keep up with what they were saying. It was pretty funny!

I began to think about the awesomeness of God. Imagine what it must be like for Him to have millions of people praying and crying out to Him at one time, and yet He is able to zero in our prayers as if we were the only one in His presence. And the Hebrew word picture in the Old Testament for listen when referring to God, says that He listens with BOTH ears!

This morning I read in Psalm 18 from THE MESSAGE: "I call to God, I cry to God to help me. From His palace he hears MY call; MY cry brings me right into HIS presence - a private audience! That is absolutely mind-boggling to me! When I pray to Him I have a private audience with the God of the universe! I have his undivided attention! Amazing!
Amazing! Amazing!

That's the God who LONGS for you to talk with Him throughout the day, my friends! Take time today to enjoy your private audience with the KING!

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: "How often I have treated my quiet time as "Give me" time, when I am concerned with MY emptiness, MY weakness, MY weariness, and MY sinfulness. My, My, My! I fail to see that Jesus Christ also has a need. He needs MY love, worship, obedience, and above all, MY company. I need to sit by HIS side as a dear friend, sharing His heart secrets as He shares mine, rejoicing in the mutual balance of our love." - Glynn Evans

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